W Citate Celebre


1. All things come to those who WAIT.
Cine poate astepta are tot ce vrea.
Var. Everything comes to him who waits.

  1. A white WALL is a fool's paper.
    Zidul alb e hârtia nebunilor.
  2. WALLS have ears.
    Zidurile au urechi.
    Peretii au urechi si ferestrele ochi.
    Cf. FIELDS have eyes, and woods have ears.
  3. WAR is death's feast.
    Rãzboiul, lup nesãtios.
  4. Good WARE makes quick markets.
    Marfa sã fie bunã, musterii nu lipsesc.
    Vaca bunã se vinde din staul.
  5. Good WATCH prevents misfortune.
    Paza bunã trece primejdia rea.
  6. Dirty WATER will quench fire.
    Apa cât de tulbure, tot stinge focul.
    Toatã apa stinge focul.
    * Ecclesiasticus 3, 30 / Sirah 3, 29
  7. Foul WATER as soon as fair will quench hot fire.
    La vreme de nevoie si cu lãturi poti stinge cel mai mare foc.
  8. WATER afar off quenches not fire.
    Apa depãrtatã nu stinge focul.
  9. We never know the worth of WATER till the well is dry.
    Când seacã apa se cunoaste pretul fântânii.
    Var. You never miss the water till the well runs dry.
    Cf. The COW knows not what her tail is worth till she hath lost it / A GOOD thing lost is a good thing valued.
  10. Still WATERS run deep.
    Apele line sunt adânci.
    Ca apa linã, nici o primejdie mai rea.
    Sim. Take heed of still waters, the quick pass away.
  11. Stolen WATERS are sweet.
    Apa furatã e mai plãcutã.
    Var. Stolen pleasures are sweet.
    Cf. Forbidden FRUIT is sweet.
    * Proverbs 9, 17 / Pilde 9, 17
  12. The longest WAY round is the shortest way home.
    Cine înconjoarã ajunge mai curând.
  13. The greatest WEALTH is contentment with a little.
    Fericit acela care se multumeste cu putin.
    Sim. He hath enough who is contented with little / Content is more than a kingdom / He is rich enough that wants nothing.
  14. In fair WEATHER prepare for foul.
    Omul cuminte îsi cumpãrã vara sanie si iarna car.
  15. Ill WEEDS grow apace.
    Buruiana rea creste curând.
    Bãlãria creste repede.
  16. Ill WEEDS wax well.
    Iarba rea nu piere.
  17. All's WELL that ends well.
    Finea bunã, toate bune.
  18. Never be weary of WELL doing.
    Sã nu încetãm de a face binele.
    * Galatians 6, 9 / Galateni 6, 9
  19. The worst WHEEL of a cart creaks most.
    Roata cea mai proastã, aceea mai rãu scârtîie.
    Roata stricatã face zgomot mai mare.
    Var. The worst wheel of a cart makes most noise.
  20. He who greases his WHEELS helps his oxen.
    Unge osia ca sã nu scârtîie carul.
    Unge rotile dacã vrei sã meargã carul.
  21. Every WHITE hath its black, and every sweet its sour.
    Nu e miere fãrã fiere.
  22. Every WHY has its wherefore.
    Toatã întrebarea are si un rãspuns.
  23. A fair WIFE and a frontier castle breed quarrels.
    Femeia frumoasã este pagubã la casã.
    Nevasta frumoasã e belea în casã.
  24. A good WIFE's a goodly prize, saith Solomon the wise.
    Femeia cinstitã e coroana bãrbatului.
    Nevasta cu mintea bunã e bãrbatului cununã.
    Femeia bunã e plug de aur în casa omului.
    * Proverbs 12, 4; 18, 22; 31, 10 / Pilde 12, 4; 18, 22; 31, 10
  25. Refuse a WIFE with one fault, and take one with two.
    Cine cautã nevastã fãrã cusur neînsurat rãmâne.
  26. The cunning WIFE makes her husband her apron.
    Vai de casa unde bãrbatul e muere.
  27. He that WILL not when he may, when he will he shall have nay.
    Cine nu face când poate, nu face când vrea.
  28. Where there's a WILL, there's a way.
    Voieste si vei putea.
    Dacã vrei, poti.
    Sim. A wilful man will have his way.
    Cf. Nothing is impossible to a willing HEART.
  29. Where your WILL is ready, your feet are light.
    Vointa inimii dã aripi picioarelor.
    Inima voioasã, picioare agere.
  30. Blow the WIND never so fast, it will fall at last.
    Ploaia care vine cu putere mare nu dureazã mult.
    Ploaia mãrunticã multã vreme tine, iar cea repede, cum vine, asa se duce.
  31. Come with the WIND, go with the water.
    Din vânt a venit, în vânt s-a dus.
    Vântul aduce, vântul duce.
    Sim. Light come, light go.
    Cf. EASY come, easy go / LIGHTLY gained, quickly lost.
  32. They that sow the WIND shall reap the whirlwind.
    Cine seamãnã vânt culege furtunã.
    * Hosea 8, 7 / Osea 8, 7
  33. Good WINE needs no bush.
    Vinul bun de sine se laudã.
  34. The best WINE is that a body drinks of another man's cost.
    Cine bea în datorie se îmbatã îndoit.
  35. When the WINE is in, the wit is out.
    Vinul îl bei de bun si el te face nebun.
  36. WINE is a turncoat.
    Prieteni ai mesei, iar nu ai nevoii.
    Var. Wine is a turncoat, first a friend, then an enemy.
  37. WINE makes glad the heart of man.
    Vinul veseleste inima omului.
    * Psalms 104, 15 / Psalmii 103, 16
    * Zechariah 10, 7 / Zaharia 10, 7
    * Ecclesiastes 10, 19 / Ecclesiastul 10, 19
  38. He covers me with his WINGS, and bites me with his bill.
    Cu lingura îti dã dulceatã si cu coada îti scoate ochii.
    În ochi cu gura te linge, în dos cu acu te-mpunge.
    Pe din fatã te linge, pe din dos te frige.
  39. A fair day in WINTER is the mother of a storm.
    La vremea cea caldã din mijlocul iernii sã nu te-ncrezi.
  40. Learn WISDOM by the follies of others.
    Din nebunia strãinã sã inveti minte.
  41. No WISDOM to silence.
    Cine tace, acela e mai întelept.
    Cf. SILENCE is often the best answer / SPEAK fitly, or be silent wisely / A WISE head makes a close mouth.
    * Ecclesiasticus 20, 5-6 / Sirah 20, 5-6
  42. WISDOM is better than strength.
    Mai bunã este întelepciunea decât puterea.
    * Ecclesiastes 9, 16 / Ecclesiastul 9, 16
    * Proverbs 24, 5 / Pilde 24, 5
  43. A WISE head makes a close mouth.
    Înteleptul tace si face.
    Cf. SILENCE is often the best answer / SPEAK fitly, or be silent wisely / No WISDOM to silence.
  44. He is WISE that is rich.
    Omul bogat este întelept în ochii lui.
    * Proverbs 28, 11 / Pilde 28, 11
  45. It is easy to be WISE after the event.
    Dupã ce s-a întâmplat ceva, atunci fiece babã poate proroci.
    Dupã bãtãlie multi viteji se aratã.
    Cf. When a thing is done, ADVICE comes too late / When the HOUSE is burned down, you bring water / It is too late to shut the STABLE-DOOR after the horse has bolted.
  46. No man is WISE at all times.
    Chiar si înteleptii smintesc câteodatã.
    Cf. Every man is a FOOL sometimes and none at all times / Every man is MAD on some point.
  47. WISE men have their mouth in their heart, fools their heart in their mouth.
    Inima înteleptului e în limbã si a nebunului în gurã.
    Inima nebunului este în gura lui, iar gura înteleptului este în inima lui.
    * Ecclesiasticus 21, 26 / Sirah 21, 28
  48. WISE men learn by other men's harms; fools, by their own.
    Înteleptul învatã din pãtania altora, nesocotitul nici din a sa.
    Sim. It is good to beware by other men's harms / It is good to learn at other men's cost / He is happy whom other men's perils make wary.
    Cf. LEARN wisdom by the follies of others.
  49. A WOLF in sheep's clothing.
    Lup îmbrãcat în piele de oaie.
    * Matthew 7, 15 / Matei 7, 15
  50. It never troubles a WOLF how many the sheep be.
    Lupul nu cautã cã oile sunt numãrate.
    Lupul duce mielul si însemnat.
  51. Talk of the WOLF, and his tail appears.
    Vorbesti de lup si lupul la usã.
    De lup când se grãieste, coada i se iveste.
    Cf. Talk of the DEVIL, and he is bound to appear.
  52. The WOLF may lose his teeth, but never his nature.
    Lupul îsi schimbã pãrul, dar nãravul ba.
    Lupul îsi pierde mãselele, dar nu obiceiurile.
    Cf. The FOX may grow grey, but never good.
  53. The WOLF preys farthest from his home.
    Lupul nu mãnâncã niciodatã la gaurã.
    Lupul împrejurul lui nu stricã.
    Sim. The fox preys farthest from his home (den).
  54. To set the WOLF to keep the sheep.
    Nu da oaia în paza lupului.
    Pune lupul pãzitor la oi.
    Var. You give the wolf the wether to keep.
    Sim. He sets the FOX to keep his geese.
    * Matthew 10, 16 / Matei 10, 16
  55. Who keeps company with the WOLF will learn to howl.
    Cine se bagã între lupi trebuie sã urle.
    Var. One must howl with the wolves.
  56. A bad WOMAN is worse than a bad man.
    Cea mai bunã muiere, ca cel mai rãu bãrbat.
  57. A fair WOMAN without virtue is like palled wine.
    Frumusetea fãrã întelepciune este ca o floare în tinã.
  58. A WOMAN, a dog, and a walnut tree, the more you beat them the better they be.
    Femeia nebãtutã e ca moara neferecatã.
    Cu calul si cu nevasta nebãtutã nu faci nici pe dracul.
    Muierea e ca coasa, dacã n-o bati, nu ascultã.
    Var. A spaniel, a woman, and a walnut-tree, the more they're beaten the better they be.
  59. Dally not with WOMEN or money.
    Cu femeile si copiii sã nu glumesti.
  60. Never choose your WOMEN or your linen by candlelight.
    Nici pânzã nici muiere sã nu alegi la lumânare.
    Pânzã si nevastã noaptea sã nu-ti alegi.
    Var. Choose neither a woman nor linen by the candle-light.
  61. Three WOMEN and a goose make a market.
    Când trei femei se întâlnesc, mai mult decât o sutã de gâste gârâlesc.
    Douã muieri si o gâscã fac târgul cucului.
    Femeile, când se adunã, parcã-s gâstele la pârâu.
    Sim. Many women, many words; many geese, many turds / Where there are women and geese, there wants no noise.
  62. When an ass climbs a ladder, we may find wisdom in WOMEN.
    Când mãrãcinii vor scoate rodii, atunci si muierile cuvinte de ispravã.
  63. WOMEN are as changeable as the wind.
    Nimic mai schimbãcios ca vremea si ca muierile.
    Var. Women are as wavering as the wind.
    Sim. A woman is a weathercock / A woman's mind and winter wind change oft.
  64. WOMEN are the devil's nets.
    Femeia e calul (scula, sora) dracului.
  65. He cannot see the WOOD for the trees.
    Nu vede pãdurea din cauza copacilor.
    Var. You cannot see the wood for the trees.
    Sim. You cannot see the city for the houses.
  66. Like WOOD, like arrow.
    Dupã arc, si sãgeata.
  67. Better give the WOOL than the sheep.
    Mai bine lâna s-o dai decât oaia s-o pierzi.
  68. A WORD and a stone let go cannot be called back.
    Vorba ce zboarã odatã nu se mai întoarce.
    Vorba dac-o scapi din gurã n-o mai poti prinde.
    Sim. A word spoken is past recalling / Words have wings and cannot be recalled.
  69. A WORD to a wise man is enough.
    O singurã vorbã e de ajuns celui ce va sã te înteleagã.
    Sim. Half a word is enough for a wise man.
    Cf. Few WORDS to the wise suffice.
  70. An honest man's WORD is as good as his bond.
    Vorba unui om cinstit face mai mult ca un înscris.
    De la omul cinstit e destul un cuvânt.
  71. From WORD to deed is a great space.
    De la zisã pân-la faptã, tot mai este o bucatã.
    De la vorbã pânã la faptã, ca de la pãmânt la cer.
    Cf. SAYING and doing are two things / SAYING is one thing, and doing another.
  72. Many a true WORD is spoken in jest.
    Adevãrul se spune glumind.
    Multe adevãruri se spun în glumã.
  73. Fair (Soft) WORDS break no bones.
    Vorba dulce oase frânge.
  74. Fair WORDS fill not the belly.
    Vorbele nu potolesc foamea.
    Cf. Good WORDS fill not a sack.
  75. Fair WORDS hurt not the mouth.
    De vorba bunã nu te doare gura.
    Cf. Fair WORDS break no bones.
  76. Few WORDS to the wise suffice.
    De putine vorbe înteleptul întelege, iar cel nebun nici când urechile i le spargi.
    Cf. A WORD to a wise man is enough.
  77. Fine WORDS butter no parsnips.
    Oala nu se umple cu vorbe.
  78. Good WORDS anoint us, and ill do unjoint us.
    Cuvântul bun unge si cel rãu împunge.
  79. Good WORDS cool more than cold water.
    O vorbã bunã stinge focul mai curând decât o bute de apã.
    Cf. A soft ANSWER turneth away wrath.
  80. Good WORDS fill not a sack.
    Vorba goalã nu umple sacul.
    Cf. Fair WORDS fill not the belly / Many WORDS will not fill a bushel.
  81. Kind WORDS go a long way.
    Cu vorbe dulci mai multã pâine mãnânci.
    Cu vorba bunã si pe dracul îmblânzesti.
    Sim. A man's hat in his hand, never did him any harm.
    Cf. LIP-HONOUR costs little, yet may bring in much.
  82. Many WORDS will not fill a bushel.
    Nu multimea cuvintelor umple dimerlia.
    Cf. Good WORDS fill not a sack.
  83. WORDS and feathers the wind carries away.
    Gura zice, vântul duce.
    Sim. Words are but wind / Words fly, writings remain.
  84. WORDS cut more than swords.
    O vorbã rea rãneste mai mult decât o sabie ascutitã.
    Limba taie mai rãu ca sabia.
    * Ecclesiasticus 28, 18 / Sirah 28, 19
  85. After the WORK is done, repose is sweet.
    Dupã lucru e bun repausul.
    Dupã muncã, odihna plãcere dulce ne aduce.
  86. As the WORK, so the pay.
    Cum ti-e lucru, asa ti-e plata.
    Cum muncesti, asa ti se plãteste.
    * I Corinthians 3, 8 / I Corinteni 3, 8
    * II Corinthians 5, 10 / II Corinteni 5, 10
    * Revelation 22, 12 / Apocalipsa 22, 12
    * Psalms 62, 12 / Psalmii 61, 11
    * Proverbs 24, 12,29 / Pilde 24, 12,29
    * Jeremiah 25, 14 / Ieremia 25, 14
    * Matthew 16, 27 / Matei 16, 27
    * II Timothy 4, 14 / II Timotei 4, 14
  87. He that will not WORK shall not eat.
    Cine nu munceste, nu mãnâncã.
    Var. If you won't work, you shan't eat.
    Sim. No mill, no meal / A horse that will not carry the saddle must have no oats.
    Cf. No PAINS, no gains / No SWEET without some sweat.
    * II Thessalonians / II Tesaloniceni 3, 10
  88. The WORK shows the workman.
    Lucrul laudã pe mester.
    La treabã se vede omul ce poate.
    Cf. The WORKMAN is known by his work.
  89. WORK today, for you know not how much you may be hindered tomorrow.
    Ce poti lucra astãzi nu lãsa pe mâine.
  90. A bad WORKMAN quarrels with his tools.
    Vizitiul prost bate calul bun.
  91. The WORKMAN is known by his work.
    Mesterul se cunoaste la lucru.
    La treabã se vede omul ce poate.
    Cf. The WORK shows the workman.
  92. The WORLD is a ladder for some to go up and some down.
    Asa e roata lumii, unii suie, altii coboarã.
    Lumea e ca un put cu douã ciuturi; când se urcã cea plinã, se coboarã cea desartã.
    Sim. Thus fareth the world, that one goeth up and another goeth down / In the world, who knows not to swim goes to the bottom.
  93. Even a WORM will turn.
    Si râma, când o calci, ridicã capul sã te muste.
    Var. Tread on a worm and it will turn.
    Cf. The FLY has her spleen and the ant her gall.
  94. It is not wise to open old WOUNDS.
    Rana, dacã se deschide, anevoie se închide.
    Rana veche usor sângereazã.


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