A Citate Celebre


1. ABSENCE makes the heart grow fonder.
Ochii care se vãd rar se iubesc.
Mai rãrut, mai drãgut.

  1. ABSENCE sharpens love, presence strengthens it.
    Celor ce duc mai mult dorul, le pare mai dulce odorul.
  2. Long ABSENT, soon forgotten.
    Prin depãrtare dragostea se uitã.
    Cf. Out of SIGHT, out of mind.
  3. The ABSENT are always in the wrong.
    Cei ce lipsesc nu capãtã dreptate.
    Sim. He is neither absent without fault, nor present without excuse.
  4. ABUNDANCE, like want, ruins many.
    Bogãtia stricã pe om.
  5. Out of the ABUNDANCE of the heart the mouth speaketh.
    Din prisosul inimii grãieste gura.
    Var. Out of the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks.
    Cf. What the HEART thinks, the tongue speaks.
    * Matthew 12, 34 / Matei 12, 34
    * Luke 6, 45 / Luca 6, 45
  6. There is no good ACCORD where every man would be a lord.
    Vai de casa cu multi stãpâni.
    Cf. Where every man is MASTER the world goes to wreck.
  7. There is no ACCOUNTING for tastes.
    Gustul disputã n-are.
    Sim. Everyone as they like best / Tastes differ.
    Cf. Every man to his TASTE.
  8. ACORNS were good till bread was found.
    Bunã si mãmãliga, când ne lipseste pâinea.
    Bunã-i plãcinta, dar dacã nu-i, e bunã si pita.
    Dacã nu e colac e bunã si pâinea.
    Sim. If you have not a capon, feed on onion / They that have no other meat, bread and butter are glad to eat / Better a mouse (louse) in the pot than no flesh at all.
  9. ACTIONS speak louder than words.
    Faptele grãiesc mai apãsat decât vorbele.
    Cf. DEEDS, not words.
  10. When ADAM delved and Eve span, who was then the gentleman?
    Dacã ar fi fost toti bogati, cine ar fi sãpat ogoarele?
  11. If the ADDER could hear, and the blindworm could see, neither man nor beast would ever go free.
    Sã te fereascã Dumnezeu când o face râma ochi, cã-i mai rea decât sarpele.
    Când ar fi dupã corbi, toti caii ar fi morti.
  12. Much ADO about nothing.
    Mult zgomot pentru nimic.
    Sim. Much cry and little wool.
  13. ADVERSITY makes a man wise, not rich.
    Cine pãgubeste se întelepteste.
    Cf. EXPERIENCE is the mother of knowledge / EXPERIENCE is the best teacher / An ounce of PRACTICE is worth a pound of precept.
  14. A woman's ADVICE is no great thing, but he who won't take it is a fool.
    Bine este sã asculti si sfatul unei neveste.
  15. If you wish good ADVICE, consult an old man.
    Cine are bãtrân sã-l vândã si cine n-are sã-l cumpere.
    Cf. If the old DOG barks, he gives counsel.
  16. When a thing is done, ADVICE comes too late.
    Sfatul dupã faptã e manta dupã ploaie.
    Cf. When the HOUSE is burned down, you bring water / It is too late to shut the STABLE -DOOR after the horse has bolted / It is easy to be WISE after the event.
  17. For AGE and want save while you may: no morning sun lasts a whole day.
    Cine adunã la tinerete are la bãtrânete.
    Sim. Keep something for him that rides on the white horse / Spare when you're young and spend when you're old.
    Cf. Make ample PROVISION for old age / Keep SOMETHING for a rainy day.
  18. Old AGE is sickness of itself.
    Nici o boalã nu-i mai grea ca boala bãtrânetelor.
    Bãtrânetele nu vin singure, ci cu multe nevoi.
    Sim. An old man is a bed full of bones.
  19. A lean AGREEMENT is better than a fat judgement.
    Mai bine o pace (învoialã) strâmbã decât o judecatã dreaptã.
  20. Ill AIR slays sooner than the sword.
    Aerul spurcat viata ti-o moleseste; departe de el.
  21. ALMOST and very (well) nigh saves many a lie.
    Când adevãrul lipseste, "asa mi se pare" s-apropie de adevãr.
    Cf. "They say so" is half a LIE.
  22. ALMS never make poor.
    Cel ce dã de milã nu sãrãceste.
    * Proverbs 28, 28 / Pilde 28, 28
  23. When thou doest ALMS, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth.
    Sã nu stie mâna stângã ce face (dã) dreapta.
    * Matthew 6, 3 / Matei 6, 3
  24. It is not good that the man should be ALONE.
    Nu este bine sã fie omul singur.
    Cf. A MAN without a wife is but half a man.
    * Genesis 2, 18 / Facerea 2, 18
  25. Woe to him that is ALONE.
    Vai de cel ce merge singur! cã, când va aluneca, n-are cine-l ridica.
  26. He that serves at the ALTAR ought to live by the altar.
    Cine slujeste altarului din altar mãnâncã.
    Lucrãtorul mãnâncã de unde lucreazã.
  27. He that doth AMISS may do well.
    Cine sparge sticlele, le plãteste.
  28. Men are not ANGELS.
    Om sfânt nu se poate.
    Nu-i nime sfânt pe pãmânt.
    Nimeni nu e usã de bisericã.
    Cf. Every MAN has his faults.
  29. ANGER cannot stand without a strong hand.
    Dacã n-ai putere, nu întãrâta gâlceava.
    Dacã nu ai putere, ce mai atîti sfada?
    Sim. If you cannot bite, never show your teeth.
  30. ANGER is a short madness.
    Omul la mânie cade-n nebunie.
  31. He that is ANGRY is seldom at ease.
    Nemultumitul trãieste nefericit.
  32. He that is ANGRY without a cause shall be pleased without amends.
    În care cãmasã s-a mâniat într-aceea s-a desmânia.
  33. A soft ANSWER turneth away wrath.
    Rãspunsul blând înlãturã mânia.
    Un rãspuns blând domoleste mânia.
    Cf. Good WORDS cool more than cold water.
    * Proverbs 15, 1 / Pilde 15, 1
  34. The ANVIL fears no blows.
    Nicovanul fricã n-are de ciocan.
  35. When you are an ANVIL, hold you still; when you are a hammer, strike your fill.
    Nicovanul mult rabdã pânã este nicovan; dupã ce ajunge ciocan bate fãrã milã.
    Pânã când esti nicovalã rabdã loviturile, iar când esti ciocan loveste cât poti.
    Cât esti nicovalã suferã, cât esti ciocan loveste.
  36. An APE's an ape, a varlet's a varlet, though they be clad in silk or scarlet.
    Maimuta în aur si purpurã tot maimutã rãmâne.
    Cf. An ASS is but an ass, though laden with gold.
  37. APPEARANCES are deceptive.
    Aparentele însalã.
    Var. Appearances are deceiving.
  38. Never judge from APPEARANCES.
    Adeseori te înseli dacã te iei dupã coaja copacului.
    Nu judecati dupã înfãtisare.
    Cf. Under a ragged COAT lies wisdom.
    * John 7, 24 / Ioan 7, 24
  39. APPETITE comes with eating.
    Pofta vine mâncând.
    Sim. Eating and scratching wants but a beginning.
  40. An APPLE never falls far from the tree.
    Mãrul nu cade departe de pom.
    Cf. A CHIP off the old block.
  41. The rotten APPLE injures its neighbours.
    Mãrul putred stricã si pe cele bune.
    Un mãr putred stricã o grãmadã de mere frumoase.
  42. Sodom APPLES outwardly fair, ashes at the core.
    Merele frumoase pot fi si viermãnoase.
  43. APRIL rains for men; May, for beasts.
    Ploaia din mai face mãlai.
    Dacã nu plouã în mai, nu se mãnâncã mãlai.
    Var. April rains for corn; May, for grass / A dry March, wet April and cool May, fill barn and cellar and bring much hay.
  44. Every man is the ARCHITECT of his own fortune.
    Norocu-i dupã cum si-l face omul.
  45. An ARMY of stags led by a lion would be more formidable than one of lions led by a stag.
    Mai bine oaste de cerbi si comandirul lor un leu, decât oaste de lei si comandirul lor un cerb.
  46. An ARROW shot upright falls on the shooter's head.
    Cel care aruncã piatrã în sus, peste capul sãu o aruncã.
    Sim. Evil that comes out of thy mouth flieth into thy bosom.
    Cf. Who SPITS against the wind, it falls in his face.
    * Ecclesiasticus 27, 25 / Sirah 27, 25
  47. ART has no enemy but ignorance.
    Învãtãtura datã rãu se sparge în capul tãu.
    Sim. Science has no enemy but the ignorant.
  48. ART improves nature.
    De multe ori ce este scãzut în fire, mestesugul cum se cade plineste.
    Cf. NURTURE passes nature.
  49. ART is long and life is short.
    Omul moare de bãtrân si tot nu le învatã pe toate.
  50. He who has an ART has everywhere a part.
    Ai carte, ai parte.
    Ai carte, ai parte; n-ai carte, n-ai parte.
    Cine are carte are si parte.
    Var. Who has a trade, has a share everywhere.
  51. ASK, and it shall be given you.
    Cereti si vi se va da.
    * Matthew 7, 7 / Matei 7, 7
  52. He that cannot ASK cannot live.
    Omul cu rusine piere, nimeni nu-i dã pân nu cere.
  53. Nothing is lost for ASKING.
    Întrebarea moarte n-are.
    Cine întreabã de douã ori nu greseste niciodatã.
  54. An ASS endures his burden, but not more than his burden.
    Pe mãgar sã-l încarci dupã a lui putere, dacã nu vrei sã te încarci tu în locul lui.
    Încarcã-ti dobitocul pânã unde e sorocul.
    Sim. It is not the burden, but the overburden that kills the beast.
    Cf. Take no more on you than you're able to BEAR.
  55. An ASS in a lion's skin.
    Ca mãgarul îmbrãcat în piele de leu.
  56. An ASS is but an ass, though laden with gold.
    Cât de mult sã împodobesti cu aur si cu argint pe cel mai frumos mãgar, tot mãgar se socoteste.
    Cf. An APE's an ape, a varlet's a varlet, though they be clad in silk or scarlet.
  57. An ASS must be tied where the master will have him.
    Leagã calul unde zice stapânul, mãcar lupul sã-l mãnânce.
  58. Better ride on an ASS that carries me than a horse that throws me.
    Mai bine un mãgar care te poartã decât un cal care te trânteste.
  59. Did you ever hear an ASS play on a harp?
    Ce stie mãgarul ce e cântarea privighetoarei.
    Ce are de a face scripca si cu iepurele.
    Sim. A sow to a fiddle.
  60. He that cannot beat the ASS beats the saddle.
    Bate samarul sã priceapã mãgarul.
    Bate saua sã priceapã iapa.
    Var. He that cannot beat the horse beats the saddle.
  61. If an ASS goes a-travelling, he'll not come home a horse.
    Mãgar s-a dus, mãgar s-a întors.
    S-a dus bou si s-a întors vacã.
    Var. Never went out ass and came home horse.
    Sim. He that sends a fool expects one / Send a fool to the market (far, to France) and a fool he will return again / How much the fool who goes to Rome excels the fool who stays at home.
  62. One ASS scrubs another.
    Mãgar pe mãgar se scarpinã.
    Vacã pe vacã se linge si porc pe porc se scarpinã.
  63. The ASS loaded with gold still eats thistles.
    La fân mai mult decât la aur pofteste mãgarul.
    Mãgarul duce vinul si bea apã.
  64. 'Tis a sorry ASS that will not bear his own burden.
    Oaia care nu poate sã-si tie lâna trebuie tãiatã.
  65. When all men say you are an ASS, it is time to bray.
    Dacã toatã lumea zice cã esti beat, culcã-te.
    Când trei spun cã esti beat, du-te de te culcã.
    Sim. If one, or three tell you, you are an ass, put on a bridle (tail) / What everybody says must be true.
  66. When an ASS kicks you, never tell it.
    Mãgarul când te loveste sã fugi si sã-i multumesti, cã mai câstigat esti.
  67. You go to an ASS for wool.
    A cere lânã de la broascã.
    Sim. Look not for musk in a dog's kennel.
  68. He that washes an ASS's head loses both his lye (soap) and his labour.
    Cine spalã capul mãgarului în zadar pierde osteneala si sãpunul.
  69. If my AUNT had been a man, she'd have been my uncle.
    De-ar avea si baba ca oamenii barbã, atunci i-ar zice "ce mai mos de treabã".


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