J Citate Celebre


1. Every JACK must have his Jill.
Tot sacul îsi gãseste peticul.
Cf. There is not so bad a GILL, but there's as bad a Will.

  1. JEALOUSY is cruel as the grave.
    Ca iadul de grozavã este gelozia.
    * Song of Solomon 8, 6 / Cântarea Cântãrilor 8, 6
  2. Leave a JEST when it pleases you best.
    Glumele sã-ti fie ca sarea în bucate.
    Var. Leave a jest when it pleases lest it turn to earnest.
    Sim. Leave off while the play is good.
    Cf. Long JESTING was never good.
  3. Long JESTING was never good.
    Toatã gluma are capãt.
    Cârnatul lung e bun, dar saga lungã nu.
    Cf. Leave a JEST when it pleases you best.
  4. JOVE laughs at lovers' perjuries.
    La a dragostei fãgãduialã sã ai mare îndoialã.
    L-al dragostei jurãmânt nici cum sã dai crezãmânt.
  5. After JOY comes annoy.
    Dupã bucurie vine întristare.
    Cf. SADNESS and gladness succeed each other.
  6. The JOY of the heart makes the face fair.
    O inimã veselã însenineazã fata.
    * Proverbs 15, 13 / Pilde 15, 13
  7. Don't JUDGE every one by your own measure.
    Nu mãsura pe altii cu palma ta.
  8. JUDGE not, that ye be not judged.
    Nu judeca ca sã nu fii judecat.
    * Matthew 7, 1 / Matei 7, 1
  9. JUDGE nothing before the time.
    Nu judecati ceva înainte de vreme.
    * I Corinthians 4, 5 / I Corinteni 4, 5
  10. The JUST shall live by faith.
    Dreptul din credintã va fi viu.
    * Romans 1, 17 / Romani 1, 17


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