T Citate Celebre


1. Who depends upon another man's TABLE often dines late.
Rãu te hrãnesti cu mâncarea în traista altuia.
Cine tine pâinea în sânul altuia de multe ori rabdã de foame.
Sim. He that waits upon another's trencher makes many a little dinner.
Cf. He that is fed at another's HAND may stay long ere he be full.

  1. One "TAKE IT" is more worth than two "Thou shalt have it".
    Mai bine o datã: na! decât tot: stai cã ti-oi da!
    Decât doi ti-oi da, mai bine un na.
    Sim. Better to have than wish / One today is worth two tomorrows.
  2. Always TAKING OUT of the meal-tub, and never putting in, soon comes to the bottom.
    De unde tot iei si nu pui, curând se isprãveste.
    Sacul din care tot iei si nu mai pui se goleste.
  3. A great TALKER is a great liar.
    Vorba multã nu e fãrã minciuni.
    Var. Great talkers are great liars.
    * Proverbs 10, 19 / Pilde 10, 19
  4. The greatest TALKERS are the least doers.
    Cine spune mult face putin.
    Var. They brag most that can do least.
    Sim. Much bruit and little fruit / Great boast and little roast / Much cry and little wool.
    Cf. Great BRAGGERS, little doers / A long TONGUE is a sign of a short hand.
  5. Every man to his TASTE.
    Fiecare cu gustul lui.
    Sim. Everyone as they like best / Tastes differ.
    Cf. There is no ACCOUNTING for tastes.
  6. TEACHING others teacheth yourself.
    Când înveti pe altul, tu atunci mai mult înveti.
    Învãtînd pe altul, tu atunci mai mult înveti.
    Var. One learns in teaching.
  7. A THIEF knows a thief as a wolf knows a wolf.
    Hot pe hot cunoaste.
  8. A THIEF passes for a gentleman when stealing has made him rich.
    Hotul nedovedit e negustor cinstit.
  9. Once a THIEF, always a thief.
    Cine furã o datã e fur totdeauna.
    Sim. Once a knave, and ever a knave / He that has done ill once will do it again.
  10. Save a THIEF from the gallows and he will help to hang you.
    Pe cel ce nu-l lasi sã moarã, acela te omoarã.
    Pe cine nu-l lasi sã moarã, nu te lasã sã trãiesti.
    Scapã-l din foc, ca sã te bage în foc.
    Var. Save a thief from the gallows and he will hate you.
    Sim. Save a stranger from the sea, and he'll turn your enemy.
    Cf. Let an ill MAN lie in thy straw, and he looks to be thy heir.
  11. The THIEF does fear each bush an officer.
    Omul nedrept se teme de toti.
    Fricosu se sperie de umbra sa.
    Sim. A guilty CONSCIENCE feels continual fear.
  12. Little THIEVES are hanged, but great ones escape.
    Tâlharul cel mic se spânzurã si cel mare scapã.
    Var. Petty thieves are hanged, the great ones go free.
    Sim. Laws catch flies but let hornets go free.
  13. Good THINGS come to some when they are asleep.
    La omul cu noroc fierbe oala fãrã foc.
    Dacã are omul noroc, mãcar sã samene si cãrbuni si tot se face.
    Cf. Whom GOD loves, his bitch brings forth pigs.
  14. The best THINGS come in small packages.
    În butilce mici, vinul cel mai bun.
    Var. Good things are wrapped up in small parcels.
  15. First THINK, and then speak.
    Gândeste întâi, apoi vorbeste.
    Cugetã bine înainte de a vorbi.
    Var. Think first and speak afterwards.
    Cf. Think on the END before you begin.
  16. He that sows THISTLES shall reap prickles.
    Cine seamãnã spini, spini culege.
  17. Men cut large THONGS of other men's leather.
    Din pielea altuia se fac curele lungi.
    Sim. All men are free of other men's goods / Men are very generous with what costs them nothing / To cut large shives of another's loaf.
  18. He that goes barefoot must not plant THORNS.
    Printre spini trebuie sã umbli încãltat.
  19. He that handles THORNS shall prick his fingers.
    Cine culege trandafiri, trebuie sã se-nghimpe.
    Cf. Who remove STONES bruise their fingers.
  20. THOUGHT is free.
    Pentru cugete nu ia nime vamã.
    Var. Thoughts be free from toll.
  21. Second THOUGHTS are best.
    Dã-mi, Doamne, mintea românului cea de pe urmã.
    Cf. It is easy to be WISE after the event.
  22. The THREAD breaks where it is weakest.
    Unde e ata mai subtire, acolo se rupe.
    Cf. The CHAIN is no stronger than its weakest link.
  23. Knotty TIMBER must have sharp wedges.
    La lemnul tare trebuie secure ascutitã.
    Sim. A crabbed knot must have a crabbed wedge.
  24. He that has TIME and looks for time, loses time.
    Cine cautã vreme pierde vremea.
    Cine are vreme sã n-o piarzã.
  25. There is a TIME for everything.
    Tot lucrul la vremea lui.
    Toate îsi au vremea lor.
    Sim. Everything has its time.
    * Ecclesiastes 3, 1 / Ecclesiastul 3, 1
  26. There is a TIME to be born, and a time to die.
    Vreme este sã te nasti si vreme sã mori.
    * Ecclesiastes 3, 2 / Ecclesiastul 3, 2
  27. There is a TIME to love, and a time to hate.
    Vreme este sã iubesti si vreme sã urãsti.
    * Ecclesiastes 3, 8 / Ecclesiastul 3, 8
  28. There is a TIME to speak, and a time to be silent.
    Vreme este sã taci si vreme sã grãiesti.
    * Ecclesiastes 3, 7 / Ecclesiastul 3, 7
  29. There is a TIME to weep, and a time to laugh.
    Vreme e a râde, vreme e a plânge.
    * Ecclesiastes 3, 4 / Ecclesiastul 3, 4
  30. TIME and straw make medlars ripe.
    Cu rãbdare si cu tãcere se face agurida miere.
    Încetul cu încetul se face otetul.
    Cf. With TIME and art the leaf of the mulberry-tree becomes satin.
  31. TIME, as he grows old, teaches many lessons.
    Vremea este cel mai bun învãtãtor.
    Var. Time shall teach thee all things.
  32. TIME cures all things.
    Vremea vindecã toate.
    Sim. Time is a great healer.
  33. TIME devours all things.
    Vremea toate le gãseste si toate le topeste.
    Timpul face si desface.
  34. TIME discloses all things.
    Timpul descoperã toate.
    Sim. Time will tell.
    * Matthew 10, 26 / Matei 10, 26
    * Mark 4, 22 / Marcu 4, 22
  35. TIME flies.
    Vremea vine, vremea trece.
    Vremea anevoie vine si fuge numaidecât.
    Var. Time flees away without delay / Time has wings.
  36. TIME is a file that wears and makes no noise.
    Timpul are dinti de otel.
  37. TIME is money.
    Timpul e bani.
  38. TIME lost cannot be won again.
    Timpul pierdut nu se mai întoarce.
    Sim. An occasion lost cannot be redeemed.
  39. TIME tries truth.
    Vremea descoperã adevãrul.
    Sim. Time is the father of truth / Truth is time's daughter.
  40. TIME works wonders.
    Timpul îndreaptã toate.
  41. With TIME and art the leaf of the mulberry-tree becomes satin.
    Cu vreme si cu rãbdare si frunza de dud se face mãtase.
    Cf. TIME and straw make medlars ripe.
  42. Other TIMES, other manners.
    Altã fãinã se macinã acum la moarã.
  43. TIMES change and we with them.
    Cu timpul toate se schimbã.
  44. Here TODAY and gone tomorrow.
    Astãzi esti, mâine nu esti.
    Azi pe pãmânt, mâine în mormânt.
    Var. Today gold, tomorrow dust.
    Sim. Today a man, tomorrow none.
  45. I TODAY, you tomorrow.
    Azi mie, mâine tie.
    * Ecclesiasticus 38, 22 / Sirah 38, 24
  46. Stuff TODAY and starve tomorrow.
    Astãzi când are parale mãnâncã zaharicale; când se cautã mâine, n-are cu ce sã-si ia pâine.
    Azi are, saturã zece, si mâine flãmând petrece.
    Azi întinde pân-o rupe, mâine n-are s-o astupe.
  47. Never put off till TOMORROW what you can do today.
    Nu lãsa pe mâine ce poti face astãzi.
    Sim. Work today, for you know not how much you may be hindered tomorrow.
  48. Ye know not what shall be on the TOMORROW.
    Nu stiti ce se va întâmpla mâine.
    * James 4, 14 / Iacov 4, 14
  49. A honey TONGUE, a heart of gall.
    Dulce la limbã, amar la inimã.
    În buze miere si-n inimã fiere.
    Sim. He has honey in the mouth and the razor at the girdle.
  50. A long TONGUE is a sign of a short hand.
    Bun de gurã, rãu de lucru (mânã).
    Var. They brag most that can do least.
    Sim. Much bruit and little fruit / Great boast and little roast / Much cry and little wool.
    Cf. Great BRAGGERS, little doers / The greatest TALKERS are the least doers.
  51. The lame TONGUE gets nothing.
    Omul cu rusine piere, nimeni nu-i dã pân nu-i cere.
    Sim. He that cannot ask, cannot live / Dumb men get no land.
  52. The TONGUE ever turns to the aching tooth.
    Limba izbeste în dintele ce te doare.
    La mãseaua care te doare te loveste limba mai des.
  53. The TONGUE talks at the head's cost.
    Cine-si pãzeste limba îsi pãzeste capul.
    Gura de multe ori capul jos l-aruncã.
    Sim. A fool's tongue is long enough to cut his own throat.
    * Proverbs 13, 3; 21, 23 / Pilde 13, 3; 21, 23
  54. TONGUE breaks bone and herself has none.
    Limba oase n-are, dar oase sfãrâmã.
    Limba oase n-are, dar unde-atinge doare.
    Var. The tongue is not steel, yet it cuts.
    * Proverbs 25, 15 / Pilde 25, 15
    * Ecclesiasticus 28, 18 / Ecclesiasticus 28, 18
  55. Foolish TONGUES talk by the dozen.
    Limba nebunului este o moarã fãrã grãunte.
  56. You can have TOO MUCH of a good thing.
    Ce-i prea mult nu-i sãnãtos.
    Ce-i prea mult stricã.
    Sim. More than enough is too much / Too much breaks the bag.
    Cf. COVETOUSNESS breaks the bag .
  57. An handful of TRADE is an handful of gold.
    Meseria e brãtarã de aur.
  58. He that learns a TRADE has a purchase made.
    Omul cu mestesug nu piere.
    Cine are o meserie are o mosie.
  59. TRADE is the mother of money.
    Cu mestesugul nu mori de foame.
    Mestesugarul e totdeauna cu banul în mânã.
    Sim. A trade is better than service.
  60. Two of a TRADE seldom agree.
    Cei de-o meserie stau în gâlcevie.
    Sim. The herringman hates the fisherman.
  61. A man of many TRADES begs his bread on Sunday.
    Douãsprezece meserii, treisprezece sãrãcii.
    Celui cu meserii multe, casa-i este fãrã curte.
    Cf. Jack of all TRADES, and master of none.
  62. Jack of all TRADES and master of none.
    Multe stie, multe croieste si nici una nu isprãveste.
    Cf. A man of many TRADES begs his bread on Sunday.
  63. A TRAVELLER may lie with authority.
    Cel din tarã strãinã poate spune câte-i va plãcea.
    Sim. Old men (soldiers) and travellers may lie by authority / Long ways, long lies.
  64. He that TRAVELS far knows much.
    Nu cine trãieste mult stie multe, ci cine umblã mult stie multe.
    * Ecclesiasticus 34, 10 / Sirah 34, 10
  65. TREACHERY will come home to the traitor.
    Cine pe altul cautã sã însele el mai întâi se însealã.
    Cine vrea sã însele se însealã.
  66. Where your TREASURE is, there will your heart be also.
    Unde este comoara voastrã, acolo este si inima voastrã.
    Unde este comoara ta, acolo va fi si inima ta.
    * Matthew 6, 21 / Matei 6, 21
  67. Lay not up for yourselves TREASURES upon earth.
    Nu vã adunati comori pe pamânt.
    * Matthew 6, 19 / Matei 6, 19
  68. A good TREE cannot bring forth evil fruit.
    Nu poate pom bun sã facã roade rele.
    * Matthew 7, 18 / Matei 7, 18
    Sim. Good fruit of a good tree.
  69. A TREE is known by its fruit.
    Pomul dupã roade se cunoaste.
    Copacul dupã fruct se cunoaste.
    * Matthew 7, 19; 12, 33 / Matei 7, 19; 12, 33
  70. In the place where the TREE falleth, there it shall be.
    Copacul unde a cãzut, acolo rãmâne.
    Var. As a tree falls, so shall it lie.
    * Ecclesiastes 11, 3 / Ecclesiastul 11, 3
  71. It is only at the TREE loaded with fruit that people throw stones.
    La copacul fãrã poame nimenea nu aruncã piatra.
  72. Like TREE, like fruit.
    Cum e pomul si rodul.
    Pomul din rodul lui se cunoaste, de e bun sau de e rãu.
  73. The highest TREE hath the greatest fall.
    Arborele mare cade tare.
    Sim. The post of honour is the post of danger.
  74. When the TREE is fallen every one runs to it with his axe.
    La copacul cãzut toti aleargã sã taie crengi.
    Copacul când cade jos, toti cu topoarele pe el se pun.
  75. He that seeks TROUBLE, never misses.
    Cine cautã ceartã gãseste bãtaie.
    Cine cautã pe dracu întotdeauna îl gãseste.
    Sim. Harm watch, harm catch.
  76. In TRUST is treason.
    Cine mult se încrede în altii adeseori se si însealã.
    Sim. Quick believers need broad shoulders / Distrust is the mother of safety / Trust is the mother of deceit / He who trusteth not is not deceived.
  77. Put not your TRUST in princes.
    Nu vã încredeti în cei puternici.
    * Psalms 146, 3 / Psalmii 146, 3
  78. Face to face, the TRUTH comes out.
    Adevãrul este cum te vãd si cum mã vezi.
  79. Nothing hurts like the TRUTH.
    Adevãrul supãrã pe om.
  80. There is TRUTH in wine.
    Arama omului la betie se aratã.
    Var. In wine there is truth.
  81. TRUTH and oil are ever above.
    Adevãrul iese ca untdelemnul la suprafatã.
    Cf. TRUTH is mighty and will prevail / TRUTH will out.
  82. TRUTH finds foes, where it makes none.
    Adevãrul a spune, vrãjmasi dobândesti.
    Gura aduce ura.
  83. TRUTH has a scratched face.
    Adevãrul umblã cu capul spart.
    Sim. Follow not truth too near the heels, lest it dash out thy teeth.
  84. TRUTH is mighty and will prevail.
    Adevãrul decât toate mai tare este.
    Cf. TRUTH and oil are ever above / TRUTH will out.
  85. TRUTH may be blamed, but cannot be shamed.
    Dreptatea niciodatã nu piere.
  86. TRUTH needs not many words.
    Adevãrul într-un cuvânt, iar minciuna în mii si sute.
    Sim. In many words the truth goes by.
  87. TRUTH will out.
    Adevãrul pe la sfârsit pururea se cunoaste.
    Cf. TRUTH and oil are ever above / TRUTH is mighty and will prevail.
  88. All TRUTHS are not to be told.
    Orice adevãr nu e bun de spus.
  89. The more you stir a TURD, the worse it stinks.
    Scârna, de ce o scormonesti mai mult, mai mult si pute.
  90. One good TURN deserves another.
    Binele cu bine se rãsplãteste.
    Cf. A good DEED is never lost / DO well and have well.
  91. One ill TURN deserves (asks, requires) another.
    Rãu cu rãu se vindecã.
    Rãu faci, rãu gãsesti.
    Rãul cu rãu se goneste.
  92. Best to bend while it is a TWIG.
    Pomul se-ndrepteazã de mic, nu de mare.
    Îndoaie teiul pânã e tânãr.
  93. No man cand do TWO things at once.
    A juca la douã nunti nu se poate.
    Nu poti tine doi pepeni într-o mânã.
  94. TWO bigs will not go in one bag.
    Douã mâte în sac nu încap.
  95. TWO sparrows on one ear of corn make an ill agreement.
    Doi insi pe-o sfoarã anevoie pot juca.


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