I Citate Celebre


1. An IDLE person is the devil's cushion.
Lenevia e perina dracului.

  1. Be not IDLE, and you shall not be longing.
    Omul harnic, muncitor, de pâine nu duce dor.
  2. IDLE people have the least leisure.
    Lenesul mai mult aleargã.
    Sim. A sluggard takes an hundred steps because he would not take one in due time.
  3. IDLENESS is the key of poverty.
    Lenea e începutul sãrãciei.
    Lenea e cucoanã mare care n-are de mâncare.
    Var. Sloth is the key to poverty.
    Cf. The SLOTHFUL man is the beggar's brother.
  4. IDLENESS is the mother of all vice.
    Lenea e începutul rãutãtilor.
    Trândãvia e muma tuturor rãutãtilor.
    Var. Idleness is the root (mother) of all evil.
    Cf. By DOING nothing we learn to do ill.
    * Ecclesiasticus 33, 27 / Sirah 33, 27
  5. By IGNORANCE we mistake, and by mistakes we learn.
    Gresind învatã omul.
    Multe gresesti, multe înveti.
    Sim. Failure teaches success / Mistakes are often the best teachers.
  6. He that does ILL hates the light.
    Oricine face rele urãste lumina.
    * John 3, 20 / Ioan 3, 20
  7. ILL gotten, ill spent.
    Averea cu înselãciune câstigatã, scade.
    Var. Evil gotten, evil spent.
  8. Of one ILL come many.
    Un necaz naste pe celãlalt.
    Un necaz abia il trece si vin în locul lui zece.
    Sim. Disgraces are like cherries, one draws another / One misfortune comes on the neck of another.
    Cf. MISFORTUNES never come singly.
  9. ILL LUCK is good for something.
    Si rãul câteodatã prinde bine la ceva.
    Si nenorocirea îi câteodatã bunã.
    Cf. Nothing so BAD in which there is not something of good.
  10. An ILL TURN is soon done.
    E mai usor a face rãu ca bine; a strica ca a drege.
  11. Give him an INCH, and he'll take an ell.
    Îi dai un ort si-ti ia un cot.
    Cf. Give a clown your FINGER, and he will take your hand.
  12. INDUSTRY is fortune's right hand, and frugality her left.
    Cumpãtul tine sãnãtatea omului si hãrnicia tine averea.
  13. IRON not used soon rusts.
    Fierul neîntrebuintat rugineste.
    Cf. RUST eats up iron.
  14. IRON whets iron.
    Fier pe fier ascute.
    Sim. One knife whets another.
    * Proverbs 27, 17 / Pilde 27, 17
  15. Strike while the IRON is hot.
    Bate fierul cât (pânã) e cald.
    Sim. Make hay while the sun shines / Hoist your sail when the wind is fair.


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