M Citate Celebre


1. All meats to be eaten, and all MAIDS to be wed.
Glia trebuie aratã si fecioara mãritatã.
Floare nescuturatã, claie de fân nemâncatã si fatã nemãritatã, arar s-a vãzut.

  1. A MAN of straw is worth a woman of gold.
    Decât muiere de aur, mai bine bãrbat de paie.
  2. A MAN without a wife is but half a man.
    Casa fãrã femeie e pustie pe dinãuntru.
    Casa fãrã muiere, ca o floare fãrã miros.
    Cf. It is not good that the man should be ALONE.
  3. Every MAN for himself and God for us all.
    Fiecare pentru sine, Dumnezeu pentru toti.
  4. Every MAN has his faults.
    Nu e om fãrã cusur.
    Fiecare are câte o meteahnã.
    Sim. Shew me a man without a spot, and I'll shew you a maid without a fault.
    Cf. Men are not ANGELS.
  5. Every MAN must walk in his own trade.
    Fiecare, în chemarea în care a fost chemat, în aceasta sã rãmânã.
    Var. Every man must walk in his own calling.
    Sim. Every man as his business lies.
    * I Corinthians 7, 20 / I Corinteni 7, 20
  6. Let an ill MAN lie in thy straw, and he looks to be thy heir.
    Pe cine primesti în casã, te scoate din casã afarã.
    Sim. I gave the mouse a hole and she is become my heir.
  7. MAN proposes, God disposes.
    Nu-i cum gândeste omul, ci cum vrea Domnul.
    Una spune omul si alta face Domnul.
  8. No MAN is born into the world, whose work is not born with him.
    Omul e nãscut sã umble si pasãrea sã zboare.
    Omul e dator sã munceascã sã nu-l gãseascã moartea sezând.
  9. Remember thou art but a MAN.
    Omu-i om si numai om.
  10. The hurt MAN writes with steel on a marble stone.
    Cele rele sã le scrii pe apa ce curge, iar facerea de bine în piatrã sã o sapi.
    Nedreptãtile scrie-le pe nisip, iar binefacerile pe marmurã.
    Sim. Injuries are written in brass.
  11. MANY are called, but few are chosen.
    Multi chemati, putini alesi.
    * Matthew 20, 16; 22, 14 / Matei 20, 16; 22, 14
  12. MANY small make a great.
    Putin si des face mult.
    Sim. Many a little makes a mickle.
    Cf. Many DROPS make a shower / PENNY and penny laid up will be many.
  13. My old MARE would have a new crupper.
    La mãgãrita bãtrânã, frâu poleit.
    Cf. Put not an embroidered CRUPPER on an ass.
  14. You are like the man that sought his MARE, and he riding on her.
    Catã Nenea iapa, cãlare pe ea.
    Cf. The BUTCHER looked for his knife and it was in his mouth / You look for the HORSE you ride on.
  15. He that cannot abide a bad MARKET deserves not a good one.
    Negustorul trebuie sã aibã un pântec larg ca sã treacã prin el si bune si rele.
  16. A good MARKSMAN may miss.
    Chiar omul cu judecatã greseste câteodatã.
  17. MARRIAGES are made in heaven.
    Cãsãtoriile sunt scrise în cer.
  18. He that MARRIES late, marries ill.
    Însoarã-te pânã nu-ti trece vremea.
    Mâncarea de dimineatã si însurãtoarea de tânãr sunt bune.
  19. Before you MARRY, be sure of a house, wherein to tarry.
    Cine se însoarã trebuie sã aibã de moarã.
  20. MARRY your equal.
    Sã-ti iei nevasta de potriva ta.
    Var. Marry your like (match).
    Sim. Like blood, like good, and like age, make the happiest marriage.
  21. Better MASTER one than engage with ten.
    Decât slugã de trei lei, mai bine stãpân de un ban.
  22. He can ill be a MASTER that never was a scholar.
    Nu te arãta dascãl pânã a nu fi ucenic.
  23. Like MASTER, like man.
    Cum e stãpânul si sluga.
    Cum e boierul si sluga.
    Cf. Like KING, like people.
  24. MASTER absent and house dead.
    Când stãpânul nu-ngrijeste, starea i se primejduieste.
  25. No man is his craft's MASTER the first day.
    Mestesugul vreme cere, nu se-nvatã din vedere.
    Cf. None is born a MASTER.
  26. None is born a MASTER.
    Nimenea nu se naste mester.
    Nimeni nu se naste învãtat.
    Cf. No man is his craft's MASTER the first day.
  27. Where every man is MASTER the world goes to wreck.
    Corabia cu doi cârmaci se îneacã.
    Cf. There is no good ACCORD where every man would be a lord.
  28. No man can serve two MASTERS.
    Nu poti sluji la doi stãpâni deodatã.
    Cf. You cannot serve GOD and Mammon.
    * Matthew 6, 24 / Matei 6, 24
    * Luke 16, 13 / Luca 16, 13
  29. He that is not with ME is against me.
    Cine nu este cu mine este împotriva mea.
    * Matthew 12, 30 / Matei 12, 30
    * Luke 11, 23 / Luca 11, 23
  30. The MEAN is the best.
    Calea de mijloc e cea mai bunã.
    Sim. The middle way of measure is ever golden.
  31. Use the MEANS, and God will give the blessing.
    Pune mâna si o sã punã si Dumnezeu mila.
  32. And with what MEASURE you meet, it shall be measured to you again.
    Cu ce mãsurã vei mãsura, cu aceea ti se va mãsura.
    Banita cu care dai cu aceea primesti.
    * Matthew 7, 2 / Matei 7, 2
    * Luke 6, 38 / Luca 6, 38
  33. MEASURE for measure.
    Dupã faptã si rãsplatã.
  34. MEASURE thrice what thou buyest; and cut it but once.
    Mãsoarã de multe ori si croieste o datã.
    Var. Measure twice, cut but once.
  35. There is a MEASURE in all things.
    Mãsurã la toate, cea mai bunã dreptate.
    Sim. Measure is treasure / Moderation in all things.
  36. After MEAT, mustard.
    Dupã ploaie vine si el cu ipingeaua.
    Var. After dinner, mustard.
    Cf. After DEATH the doctor.
  37. The MEEK will inherit the earth.
    Blândul mosteneste pãmântul.
    * Matthew 5, 5 / Matei 5, 5
    * Psalms 36, 11,29 / Psalmii 36, 11,29
  38. All MEN are free of other men's goods.
    Usor e a da din a altuia.
    Sim. Men are very generous with what costs them nothing.
    Cf. Men cut large THONGS of other men's leather.
  39. All MEN are mortal.
    Câte flori sunt pe pãmânt, toate se duc în mormânt.
    Sim. It is as natural to be born as to die.
    Cf. He that is once BORN, once must die / All that LIVES must die.
  40. Mind other MEN, but most yourself.
    Nu da cãmasa pentru altii, ca tu sã rãmâi în pielea goalã.
  41. So many MEN, so many opinions.
    ti oameni, atâtea pãreri.
    Var. Many men have many minds.
    Cf. So many HEADS, so many minds.
  42. Tall MEN had ever very empty heads.
    Înalt cât o prãjinã si prost cât o ceapã.
  43. There are more MEN threatened than stricken.
    Amenintarea fãrã putere e desartã.
  44. He that loses is MERCHANT as well as he that gains.
    De câstigi, de pãgubesti, tot negustor te numesti.
  45. MESSENGERS should neither be headed nor hanged.
    Capul solului nu se taie.
  46. Either by MIGHT or by sleight.
    Unde puterea nu ascultã, vulpea ajutã.
    Cf. If the LION's skin cannot the fox's shall.
  47. MIGHT is right.
    Unde este puterea acolo-i si dreptatea.
  48. In vain is the MILL-CLOCK if the miller his hearing lack.
    În zadar bate toaca pentru baba surdã.
  49. Every MILLER draws water to his own mill.
    Fiecare îsi trage spuza pe turta lui.
    Mânã apa la moara lui.
  50. A contented MIND is a continual feast.
    Inima multumitã este un ospãt necurmat.
    Cf. CONTENT is happiness.
    * Proverbs 15, 15 / Pilde 15, 15
  51. A sound MIND in a sound body.
    În trup sãnãtos, minte voioasã.
  52. He that MISCHIEF hatches, mischief catches.
    Cine samãnã rãutãti, iarã rãutãti va secera.
    Cf. He that HURTS another hurts himself.
  53. MISCHIEF comes by the pound and goes away by the ounce.
    Boala intrã cu carul si iese pe urechea acului.
    Cf. DISEASES come on horseback, but go away on foot.
  54. MISCHIEF has swift wings.
    Rãul vine iute, binele încet.
  55. The MISER is always in want.
    Zgârcitul e totdeauna sãrac.
  56. MISFORTUNES never come singly.
    O nenorocire nu vine niciodatã singurã.
    Un rãu niciodatã nu vine singur.
    Var. Misfortunes never come alone.
    Sim. Disgraces are like cherries, one draws another / One misfortune comes on the neck of another / It never rains but it pours.
    Cf. Of one ILL come many.
  57. MODERATION in all things.
    Doctorul cel mai bun este cumpãtul.
    Cumpãna, nepoate, e bunã la toate.
  58. A man without MONEY is no man at all.
    Omul fãrã bani e ca pasãrea fãrã aripi; când dã sã zboare cade jos si moare.
    Sim. A gentleman without an estate is like a pudding without suet / A man without money is a bow without an arrow.
  59. He that has MONEY has what he wants.
    Cine are bani are de toate.
    Cu bani cumperi si brânzã de iepuri.
    Cu bani gãsesti si lapte de pasãre.
  60. He that has no MONEY needs no purse.
    Sãracului nu-i trebuie pungã.
  61. Lend your MONEY and lose your friend.
    Cine dã împrumut îsi face dusmani.
    Nu împrumuta pe cel ce voiesti prieten sã-l dobândesti.
    Sim. When I lent, I had a friend; but when I asked, he was unkind.
    Cf. If you would make an ENEMY, lend a man money, and ask it of him again.
  62. MONEY answers all things.
    Banii rãspund la toate.
    * Ecclesiastes 10, 19 / Ecclesiastul 10, 19
  63. MONEY commands all.
    Paraua e micã, dar loc mare prinde.
    Sim. All things are obedient to money / Love does much, money does everything.
    Cf. MONEY will do anything..
  64. MONEY draws money.
    Banul la ban trage.
    Ban pe ban momeste.
    Sim. Money begets money.
  65. MONEY is round, and rolls away.
    Banul e fãcut rotund, lesne se rostogoleste.
  66. MONEY makes money.
    Banii fac bani.
    Cu bani faci bani.
    Cf. MONEY draws money.
  67. MONEY makes the man.
    Banul îl face pe om.
    Sim. It is not what is he, but what has he.
  68. MONEY makes the world go round.
    Banul e o micã roatã ce-nvârteste lumea toatã.
  69. MONEY opens all doors.
    Banul deschide usile fãrã chei.
    Banul e cheia cu care se deschide orice usã.
  70. MONEY will do anything.
    Cu bani faci toate.
    Cu bani poate omul face orice lucru îi place.
    Sim. All things are obedient to money / Love does much, money does everything.
    Cf. MONEY commands all.
  71. The MOON does not heed the barking of dogs.
    Câinele latrã la lunã toatã noaptea si luna nu-l ascultã niciodatã.
    De lãtratul unui câine sã nu-ti pese.
    Var. The dog (wolf) barks in vain at the moon.
    Cf. DOGS bark, but the caravan goes on.
  72. The MOON is not seen where the sun shines.
    Cine se încãlzeste la soare nu-i pasã de lunã.
    Soarele sã-mi fie bun, luna sã o mãnânce vârcolacii.
    Luna mi s-a mâniat, soarele sã-mi trãiascã.
    Var. Stars are not seen where the sun shines.
  73. The MORE you get, the more you want.
    De ce ai, de ce ai mai avea.
    Cu cât are cineva tot ar vrea sã mai aibã.
    Cf. MUCH would have more / He that has PLENTY of good shall have more.
  74. Like MOTHER, like daughter.
    Cum e mama si fata.
    Cf. A CHIP off the old block / Like FATHER, like son.
    * Ezekiel 16, 44 / Iezechiel 16, 44
  75. The good MOTHER says not, Will you? but gives.
    Mama cea bunã nu-ntreabã pe copii de le e foame.
  76. MOTHER-IN-LAW and daughter-in-law are a tempest and hail storm.
    Soacra cu nora ca pisica cu soarecele.
  77. If the MOUNTAIN will not come to Mahomet, Mahomet must go to the mountain.
    Dacã nu vine Mahomed la munte, vine muntele la Mahomed.
  78. The MOUNTAINS have brought forth a mouse.
    S-a scremut muntele si a nãscut un soarece.
  79. A MOUSE in time may bite in two a cable.
    Cu muncã si îngãduialã dintii sorecutului taie odgonul de la corabie.
    Soarecii si fierul îl rod.
  80. The MOUSE that has but one hole is quickly taken.
    Soarecele cu o gaurã numai, îndatã îl prinde pisica.
  81. A close MOUTH catches no flies.
    În gura închisã nu intrã musca.
    Var. Into a shut mouth flies fly not.
  82. Ask MUCH to have a little.
    Cere mult ca sã poti cãpãta putin.
  83. MUCH would have more.
    Omul este nesãtios: cu cât are, tot ar vrea sã mai aibã.
    Cf. The MORE you get, the more you want / He that has PLENTY of good shall have more.
  84. He who wants a MULE without a fault, must walk on foot.
    Cine cautã cal fãrã cusur merge pe jos.
  85. What MUST be, must be.
    Ce-o fi, o fi.
    Sim. Whatever happens, all happens as it should.
    Cf. No flying from FATE / The FATED will happen / He that is born to be HANGED shall be never drowned.


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