L Citate Celebre


1. The LABOURER is worthy of his hire.
Vrednic este muncitorul de plata sa.
* Luke 10, 7 / Luca 10, 7

  1. He that LABOURS and thrives spins gold.
    Cu munca, frate, si din piatrã scoti lapte.
    Munca e brãtarã de aur.
  2. Every LAND has its own law.
    Cum este tara asa si obiceiurile.
    Cf. So many COUNTRIES, so many customs.
  3. Good LAND: evil way.
    Bunã tarã, rea tocmealã.
  4. Many a one for LAND takes a fool by the hand.
    Scumpul pentru bani ar lua si pe fata dracului.
    Pentru bani iei si fata dracului.
  5. Woe to thee, O LAND, when thy King is a child!
    Vai de tine, tarã, care ai un copil rege.
    Vai de tara ce-o pun copiii la cale.
    * Ecclesiastes 10, 16 / Ecclesiastul 10, 16
  6. No LARDER but hath his mice.
    Unde sunt bucate si pâine, sunt si soareci.
  7. To think that LARKS will fall into one's mouth ready roasted.
    Porumbii nu zboarã fripti în gurã.
    Picã parã mãlãiatã în gura lui Nãtãfleatã.
    Nimãnui nu-i picã mura-n gurã.
    Var. He thinks that roasted larks will fall into his mouth.
    Sim. You may gape long enough ere a bird fall in your mouth / If the sky falls we shall catch larks.
  8. He that comes LAST to the pot is soonest wroth.
    Cine vine prea târziu la masã acela roade oasele.
    Cine vine târziu la masã i se atârnã lingurile de gât.
  9. The LAST shall be the first.
    Cei de pe urmã vor fi întâi.
    * Matthew 19, 30 / Matei 19, 30
  10. Better LATE than never.
    Mai bine mai târziu decât niciodatã.
    Cf. It is not LOST that comes at last.
  11. LAUGH before breakfast, you'll cry before supper.
    Cine astãzi râde, mâine plânge, cã vremea e nestatornicã.
    Râsul peste fire aduce plâns dupã fire.
    Var. He that laughs in the morning, weeps at night / If you sing before breakfast, you'll cry before night / / He that sings on Friday, will weep on Sunday.
    Sim. Sorrow treads upon the heels of mirth.
    Cf. SADNESS and gladness succeed each other.
  12. He LAUGHS best who laughs last.
    Cine râde la urmã râde mai bine.
    Var. He who laughs last, laughs longest.
    Sim. Let them laugh that win / He laughs who wins / Better the last smile than the first laughter.
  13. Too much LAUGHTER discovers folly.
    Dupã râs se cunoaste nebunul.
    Prostul se cunoaste dupã râs si mers.
    Prostul râde singur de prostia lui.
  14. Every LAW has a loophole.
    Legea înainte, siretii dupã ea.
  15. Much LAW, little justice.
    Unde sunt pravile multe, acolo si multã nedreptate.
  16. The LAW grows of sin, and chastises it.
    Înmultindu-se pãcatul, se naste pedeapsa.
    Sim. Of evil manners spring good laws.
  17. The LAW is good, if a man use it lawfully.
    Legea este bunã, dacã se foloseste cineva de ea potrivit legii.
    * I Timothy 1, 8 / I Timotei 1, 8
  18. LAWS go as kings like.
    Legea-i dupã cum o fac domnii.
    Sim. What the kings wills, that the law wills.
  19. Wrong LAWS make short governance.
    Nedreptatea rãstoarnã scaunele puternicilor.
  20. LAWSUITS consume time, and money, and rest, and friends.
    Judecãtile adeseori te duc la covrigi.
  21. A LAWYER's opinion is worth nothing unless paid for.
    Judecãtorul e ca osia de car: cum o ungi nu mai scârtâie.
  22. A small LEAK will sink a great ship.
    Printr-o crãpãturã micã strãbate apa în corabia cea mare.
    Sim. Little strokes fell great oaks.
    Cf. A little STONE in the way overturns a great wain.
  23. LEARN weeping, and you shall gain laughing.
    Cine seamãnã cu lacrimi culege cu bucurie.
    * Psalms 126, 5 / Psalmii 126, 5
  24. What we first LEARN we best know.
    Ce înveti la tinerete, aceea stii la bãtrânete.
    Sim. Whoso learneth young forgets not when he is old.
    Cf. What YOUTH is used to, age remembers.
  25. Much LEARNING makes men mad.
    Unde e învãtãturã multã e si nebunie multã.
    * Acts 26, 24 / Fapte 26, 24
  26. Better LEAVE than lack.
    Mai bine sã întreacã decât sã nu ajungã.
  27. Everyone stretches his LEGS according to the length of his coverlet.
    Întinde-te cât ti-e plapuma.
    Var. Stretch your legs according to your coverlet.
    Sim. Stretch your arm no further than your sleeve will reach.
    Cf. Cut your COAT according to your cloth.
  28. The LETTER killeth, but the spirit giveth life.
    Litera ucide, iar duhul face viu.
    * II Corinthians 3, 6 / II Corinteni 3, 6
  29. A LIAR is not believed when he speaks the truth.
    Mincinosul nu se mai crede nici când ar spune adevãrul.
    Cine a mintit odatã nu se mai crede nici când spune adevãrul.
    Cine a mintit odatã si-a pierdut credinta toatã.
    Sim. He that once deceives is ever suspected.
  30. Show me a LIAR, and I will show you a thief.
    Hotul jurã si iar furã.
    Cf. He that will LIE will steal / LYING and thieving go together.
  31. LIARS have need of good memories.
    Când spui minciuna sã o crezi pe jumãtate.
    Minciuna te dã de gol.
  32. He that will LIE will steal.
    Cine minte si furã.
    Care spune minciuni e ca omul care furã.
    Cf. Show me a LIAR and I will show you a thief / LYING and thieving go together.
  33. One LIE makes many.
    Minciunile una pe alta se ajung.
  34. "They say so" is half a LIE.
    Cele din auzire, cam minciuni pe jumãtate.
    Cf. ALMOST and very (well) nigh saves many a lie.
  35. Though a LIE be well dressed, it is ever overcome.
    Si minciuna e vorbã, dar vremea descoperã adevãrul.
  36. LIES have short legs.
    Minciuna are picioare scurte.
  37. He is unworthy of LIFE that causes not life in another.
    Cine nu înmulteste se vestejeste.
    Pomul neroditor se taie si în foc s-aruncã.
  38. LIFE is a battle.
    Viata omului, luptã necontenitã.
  39. No man has a lease of his LIFE.
    Nimenea n-a dat zapis cu Dumnezeu cât o sã trãiascã.
  40. While there is LIFE, there is hope.
    Omul trãieste cu speranta.
    Cât trãieste omul sperã.
    * Ecclesiastes 9, 4 / Ecclesiastul 9, 4
  41. LIGHTLY gained, quickly lost.
    Cum s-a câstigat, asa s-a mâncat.
    Sim. Quickly come, quickly go / So got, so gone.
    Cf. EASY come, easy go / Come with the WIND, go with the water.
  42. LIKE cures like.
    O boalã vindecã pe alta, când vine una dupã alta.
    Rãu cu rãu se vindecã.
    Sim. One poison drives out another.
    Cf. One DEVIL drives out another / One NAIL drives out another.
  43. LIKE will to like.
    Cine se aseamãnã se adunã.
    Asemenea cu asemenea lesne se însoteste.
    Sim. Likeness causes liking.
    Cf. BIRDS of a feather flock together.
  44. There is a LIMIT to everything.
    Toate au un hotar în lume.
  45. There is a LIMIT to one's patience.
    Rãbdarea are si ea marginile ei.
    Sim. Patience provoked turns to fury.
  46. One does not wash one's dirty LINEN in public.
    Rufele murdare se spalã în familie (acasã).
    Var. Do not wash your dirty linen in public / Dirty linen should be washed at home.
  47. The LION is known by his claws.
    Dupã unghii se cunoaste leul.
    Leul dupã urmã se cunoaste.
    Sim. An ass is known by his ears / The devil is known by his claws.
  48. If the LION's skin cannot the fox's shall.
    De multe ori unde nu ajunge pielea de leu, împlineste pielea vulpii.
    Unde se sparge pielea de lup cârpeste-o cu piele de vulpe.
    Cf. Either by MIGHT or by sleight.
  49. The LION's share.
    Cine împarte parte-si face.
  50. LIP-HONOUR costs little, yet may bring in much.
    Vorba bunã mult adunã.
    Sim. Civility costs nothing / Good words cost naught / A man's hat in his hand, never did him any harm.
    Cf. Kind WORDS go a long way.
  51. Scald not your LIPS in another man's pottage.
    Nu-ti bãga nasul unde nu-ti fierbe oala.
    Nu-ti bãga lingura unde nu-ti fierbe oala.
    Nu te amesteca unde nu-ti fierbe oala.
  52. LISTENERS never hear any good of themselves.
    Care ascultã la usã îsi aude defaima.
    Var. Eavesdroppers never hear any good of themselves.
    Sim. He who peeps through a hole, may see what will vex him.
  53. LITTLE and often fills the purse.
    Bobitã cu bobitã se umple sacul.
    Sim. Grain by grain, and the hen fills her belly.
  54. LIVE and learn.
    Omul cât trãieste învatã si tot moare neînvãtat.
    Cât trãieste omul multe învatã (aflã).
    Cf. Never too OLD to learn.
  55. LIVE and let live.
    Fiecare trebuie sã trãiascã.
  56. We must LIVE by the quick, not by the dead.
    Mortii cu mortii si viii cu viii.
    Var. We must live by the living, not by the dead.
    Sim. Let the dead bury the dead and the living lead a gay life.
    Cf. Let the DEAD bury their dead.
  57. All that LIVES must die.
    Câte-n lume se nasc, mor toate.
    Cine trãieste trebuie sã moarã.
    Cf. He that is once BORN, once must die / All MEN are mortal.
  58. He LIVES long that lives well.
    Acela trãieste mult care trãieste bine.
  59. No LOCK will hold against the power of gold.
    Aurul deschide raiul.
    Cf. A golden KEY can open any door.
  60. Crooked LOGS make straight fires.
    Lemnul strâmb, focul îl îndrepteazã.
  61. LOOKERS-ON see more than players.
    Cel ce priveste la joc mai bine judecã decât cel în joc.
    Var. Lookers-on see most of the game / Standers-by see more than gamesters.
  62. A LORD without riches is a soldier without arms.
    Om de neam si fãr-d-avere n-are nici o putere.
    Cinstea fãrã bani e sãrãcie goalã.
    Sim. Nothing agreeth worse than a lord's heart and a beggar's purse.
  63. Whom the LORD loveth, he chasteneth.
    Pe cine îl iubeste Domnul îl ceartã.
    * Hebrews 12, 6 / Evrei 12, 6
  64. The LOSER is always laughed at.
    Cel cu pagubã îi si cu pãcatul.
    Omul cu pagubã e si cu pãcate.
    Sim. Loss embraces shame.
  65. One never LOSES by doing a good turn.
    De faci astãzi cuiva bine, mâine de la altu-ti vine.
    Cf. A good DEED is never lost.
  66. There's no great LOSS without some gain.
    Nu e câstig fãrã pagubã.
    Unde e câstig e si pagubã.
    Var. No great loss but some small profit.
  67. It is not LOST that comes at last.
    Tot vine si cel ce întârzie.
    Sim. It is never long that comes at last.
    Cf. Better LATE than never.
  68. Follow LOVE and it will flee thee; flee love and it will follow thee.
    Cine-mi place eu nu-i plac, cui plac eu nu-mi place mie.
  69. LOVE and a cough cannot be hid.
    Dragostea multã vreme nu se poate ascunde.
  70. LOVE cannot be compelled.
    Dragostea nu se face cu sila.
    Sim. Fanned fires and forced love never did well yet.
  71. LOVE covers many infirmities.
    Dragostea acopere toate cusururile.
    Var. Love covers many faults.
    * Proverbs 10, 12 / Pilde 10, 12
  72. LOVE is a sweet torment.
    Unde-i dragoste e si ceartã.
    Fãrã mânie nu-i iubire.
    Orice fericire are a ei nemultumire.
    Sim. Love is full of trouble / The course of true love never did run smooth.
  73. LOVE is blind.
    Dragostea nu are ochi.
    Dragostea e oarbã, dar cãsãtoria îi gãseste leacul.
    Sim. Affection blinds reason.
  74. LOVE is never without jealousy.
    Dragostea în bãnuieli pururea petrece.
  75. LOVE is not found in the market.
    Dragostea nu e o mosie ca sã o iei cu chirie.
  76. LOVE is strong as death.
    Iubirea ca moartea e de tare.
    * Song of Solomon 8, 6 / Cântarea Cântãrilor 8, 6
  77. LOVE is sweet in the beginning but sour in the ending.
    Cu cât mai dulce limba dragostei la început, cu atât mai amarã pe la sfârsit.
  78. LOVE is the fruit of idleness.
    Dragostea e treaba celor fãrã treabã.
  79. LOVE is without reason.
    Cine la dragoste cade, întâi mintea i se scade.
    Sim. No folly like being in love.
  80. LOVE makes all hearts gentle.
    Cât de rãu omul sã fie, dacã la dragoste cade, îndatã se îmblânzeste.
  81. LOVE will find a way.
    Nimic peste putintã la dragoste se-ntelege.
    Cf. LOVE will go through stone walls.
  82. LOVE will go through stone walls.
    Iubirea trece prin apã, nu-i e fricã cã se-neacã.
    Cf. LOVE will find a way.
  83. No herb will cure LOVE.
    Nici o boalã nu-i mai grea ca dorul si dragostea.
  84. No LOVE like the first love.
    Dragostea dintâi nu se uitã.
    Ca dragostea dintâi alta nu-i.
    Sim. Of soup and love, the first is the best.
    Cf. Old LOVE will not be forgotten.
  85. Old LOVE will not be forgotten.
    Dragostea cea veche îti sopteste la ureche.
    Sim. Of soup and love, the first is the best.
    Cf. No LOVE like the first love.
  86. Perfect LOVE casteth out fear.
    Iubirea desãvârsitã alungã frica.
    * I John 4, 18 / I Ioan 4, 18
  87. The LOVE of money is the root of all evil.
    Iubirea de argint este rãdãcina tuturor relelor.
    Banul este ochiul dracului.
    Var. Money is the root of all evil.
    * I Timothy 6, 10 / I Timotei 6, 10
  88. There is nothing worse than an old LOVER.
    Bãtrânul amorezat e ca pirosca cu pãsat.
  89. Give a man LUCK and cast him into the sea.
    Fã-mã, mamã, cu noroc, si aruncã-mã în foc.
  90. LYING and thieving go together.
    Minciuna si hotia se înfrãtesc lesne.
    Cf. Show me a LIAR and I will show you a thief / He that will LIE will steal.


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