S Citate Celebre


1. An empty SACK cannot stand upright.
Sacul gol nu stã în picioare.
Var. Empty sacks will never stand upright.

  1. SADNESS and gladness succeed each other.
    Totdeauna desfãtarea are sorã întristarea.
    Sim. After joy comes annoy / / He that sings on Friday will weep on Sunday / Sorrow treads upon the heels of mirth.
    Cf. LAUGH before breakfast, you'll cry before supper.
    * Proverbs 14, 13 / Pilde 14, 13
  2. He came SAFE from the East Indies, and was drowned in the Thames.
    Tiganul când a ajuns la mal atunci s-a înecat.
  3. Easier SAID than done.
    Usor de zis, greu de fãcut.
    Lesne a zice, greu a face.
  4. No sooner SAID than done.
    Zis si fãcut.
  5. Like SAINT, like offering.
    Cum e sfântul asa si tãmâia.
  6. All are not SAINTS that go to church.
    Nu tot ce poartã rasã si camilafcã e cãlugar.
    Sim. All are not merry that dance lightly.
    Cf. All are not HUNTERS that blow the horn.
  7. Do not offer SALT or brains.
    Sare, pânã nu cere, sã nu-i dai cuiva.
    Var. Help you to salt, help you to sorrow.
  8. SALT seasons all things.
    Sarea-i bunã în fierturã, însã nu peste mãsurã.
  9. SAYING and doing are two things.
    A zice si a face nu-i totuna.
    Cf. SAYING is one thing, and doing another / From WORD to deed is a great space.
  10. SAYING is one thing, and doing another.
    A zice e una, a face e alta.
    Cf. SAYING and doing are two things / From WORD to deed is a great space.
  11. Who SAYS A must say B.
    Cine zice una trebuie sã zicã si douã.
    Var. You cannot say A without saying B.
  12. There is a SCORPION under every stone.
    Sub piatra cea mai frumoasã, scorpia ascunsã zace.
    Sim. Snake in the grass.
  13. SCRATCH where it itches.
    Unde nu te mâncã, nu te scãrpina.
    Var. I scratch (claw) where it itches not.
  14. Praise the SEA, but keep on land.
    Frumos sã privesti furtuna pe mare, dar cam de departe.
    Sim. Praise the hill, but keep below.
  15. Everything is good in its SEASON.
    Orice lucru este bun la timpul sãu.
    Toate îsi au vremea lor.
  16. A SECRET is too little for one, enough for two, too much for three.
    Lucrul cunoscut de doi, trei, nu mai rãmâne între ei.
    Sim. Three may keep counsel if two be away / Two may keep counsel if one be away.
  17. He that soweth good SEED shall reap good corn.
    Sãmânta bunã, bun rod îti dã.
  18. SEEING is believing.
    Nici un lucru sã nu crezi, cu ochii pânã nu vezi.
    Cf. One EYEWITNESS is better than ten hear-so's.
    * John 20, 29 / Ioan 20, 29
  19. He that SEEKS finds.
    Cine cautã gaseste.
    Cel ce cautã, va afla.
    Sim. The dog that trots finds a bone.
    * Matthew 7, 7-8 / Matei 7, 7-8
    * Luke 11, 10 / Luca 11, 10
  20. SELF-PRAISE is no recommendation.
    Nu-ti lãuda singur faptele, cã îti pierzi rodul.
    Cf. A man's PRAISE in his own mouth stinks / He that PRAISES himself spatters himself.
  21. He that has been bitten by a SERPENT is afraid of a rope.
    Pe cine l-a muscat câinele se teme si de lãtrãturã.
    Sim. Once bitten, twice shy.
    Cf. A scalded CAT fears cold water / A burnt CHILD dreads the fire / A scalded DOG fears cold water / Whom a SERPENT has bitten, a lizard alarms.
  22. Whom a SERPENT has bitten, a lizard alarms.
    Cine e muscat de sarpe se pãzeste si de sopârlã.
    Sim. Once bitten, twice shy.
    Cf. A scalded CAT fears cold water / A burnt CHILD dreads the fire / A scalded DOG fears cold water / He that has been bitten by a SERPENT is afraid of a rope..
  23. It is good to strike the SERPENT's head with your enemy's hand.
    A prinde sarpele cu mâna altuia (nebunului).
    Cf. Take the CHESTNUTS out of the fire with the cat's paw.
  24. Be ye therefore wise as SERPENTS, and harmless as doves.
    Întelept ca sarpele si curat ca porumbita, pururea sã te arãti!
    Fii întelept ca sarpele, muncitor ca albina si doritor ca turturica.
    * Matthew 10, 16 / Matei 10, 16
  25. So many SERVANTS, so many enemies.
    Câte slugi ai, atâtia dusmani hrãnesti.
  26. He who has not seen SEVILLE has not seen a wonder.
    Cel ce nu vede Bucurestii si nu încalecã cal alb, nu stie ce e frumos în lumea asta.
  27. Catch not at the SHADOW and lose the substance.
    Cine se razimã de umbrã dã-ndatã peste cap tumbã.
  28. He is afraid of his own SHADOW.
    Se sperie de umbra lui, si se uitã-n urma lui.
  29. All that SHAKES falls not.
    Trestia care se pleacã vântului, niciodatã nu se frânge.
    Cf. Better BEND than break.
  30. He that makes himself a SHEEP shall be eaten by the wolf.
    Cine se face oaie îl mãnâncã lupul.
    Cf. Make yourself all HONEY and the flies will devour you.
  31. One scabbed SHEEP will mar a whole flock.
    Oaia râioasã umple turma toatã.
    O vacã râioasã stricã toatã cireada.
  32. The lone SHEEP is in danger of the wolf.
    Oaia care rãmâne de turmã o mãnâncã lupul.
    Oaia retrasã de turmã, lupii o iau dupã urmã.
    Var. The lone man is in danger of the wolf.
  33. There are black SHEEP in every flock.
    Nu e pãdure fãrã uscãturi.
  34. Where every hand fleeceth, the SHEEP goes naked.
    Oaia s-o tunzi, iar nu s-o razi.
    Cf. A good SHEPHERD must fleece his sheep, not flay them.
  35. A good SHEPHERD must fleece his sheep, not flay them.
    Pãstorul cel bun, cel ce tunde si nu beleste.
    Pãstorul cel bun, cel ce tunde oaia si nu o jupoaie.
    Cf. Where every hand fleeceth, the SHEEP goes naked.
  36. A great SHIP asks deep waters.
    Pentru corabie mare trebuie apã multã.
  37. If my SHIRT knew my design I'd burn it.
    Nu te încrede nici în cãmasa ta.
    Cãciula ta, când va afla taina, în foc s-o bagi.
    Var. If my skirt knew my design I'd burn it.
  38. Near is my SHIRT, but nearer is my skin.
    Mai aproape-i pielea decât cãmasa.
    Sim. Near is my doublet (kirtle, petticoat), but nearer is my smock.
    Cf. Near is my COAT, but nearer is my shirt.
  39. Every SHOE fits not every foot.
    Orice ham nu încape pe orice cal.
  40. Everyone knows best where his own SHOE pinches.
    Fiecare stie unde-l strânge ciubota.
    Fiecare singur stie unde îl strânge opinca.
    Cf. No one but the wearer knows where the SHOE pinches.
  41. No one but the wearer knows where the SHOE pinches.
    Nimeni nu stie mai bine unde-l strânge cizma decât cel ce o poartã.
    Cf. Everyone knows best where his own SHOE pinches.
  42. None more bare than the SHOEMAKER's wife and the smith's mare.
    Cizmarul umblã cu ghetele rupte si croitorul cu haina descusutã.
    Croitorul umblã rupt si ciubotarul umblã descult.
    Cizmarul umblã cu cizmele sparte.
  43. Better wear out SHOES than sheets.
    Mai bine sã-ti spargi papucii decât sã-i tii înveliti.
  44. He that waits for dead men's SHOES may go long enough barefoot.
    Cel ce asteaptã sã mosteneascã încãltãrile mortului, umblã toatã viata descult.
    Var. It's ill waiting for dead men's shoes.
    Sim. He pulls with a long rope that waits for another's death.
  45. Out of SIGHT, out of mind.
    Ochii care nu se vãd se uitã.
    Sim. Far from eye, far from heart / Seldom seen, soon forgotten / Salt water and absence wash away love.
    Cf. Long ABSENT, soon forgotten / What the EYE doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve over.
  46. The SIGN invites you in, but your money redeem you out.
    Pânã a nu intra socoteste cum ai sã iesi.
    Cine intrã fãrã tocmealã iese fãrã socotealã.
  47. SILENCE does seldom harm.
    Tãcerea nu sparge capul.
    Cine tace merge-n pace.
    Cf. More have repented SPEECH than silence.
  48. SILENCE is golden.
    Tãcerea e de aur.
    Cf. QUIETNESS is a great treasure / SPEECH is silver, but silence is golden.
  49. SILENCE is often the best answer.
    Nerãspunsul încã e un rãspuns.
    De multe ori tãcerea e mai bunã decât rãspunsul.
    Cf. SPEAK fitly, or be silent wisely / No WISDOM to silence.
  50. SILENCE means consent.
    Cine tace primeste.
    Var. Silence gives consent.
  51. He that fights with SILVER arms is sure to overcome.
    Bate-te cu sãgeti de argint, de voiesti sã biruiesti.
    Bate-te cu sulita de argint cã vei birui.
    Sabia de aur taie mai tare ca cea de fier.
  52. Every SIN brings its punishment with it.
    Tot pãcatul îsi cautã vinovatul.
    Sim. As a man sinneth, so is his punishment.
  53. Old SIN makes new shame.
    Pãcatul vechi aduce rusine nouã.
  54. SLANDER leaves a score behind it.
    Vorba de rãu se duce peste nouã tãri si nouã mãri.
    Sim. If the ball does not stick to the wall, it will at least leave a mark.
  55. SLEEP is the brother of death.
    Somnul e rupt din moarte.
    Somnul cu moartea, frati gemeni s-au nãscut.
    Cf. SLEEP is the image of death.
  56. SLEEP is the image of death.
    Somnul e oglinda mortii.
    Cf. SLEEP is the brother of death.
  57. A SLEEPING man is not hungry.
    Cine doarme nu-i e foame.
  58. SLOTH, like rust, consumes faster than labour wears.
    Lenea e la om ca si rugina la fier.
  59. The SLOTHFUL man is the beggar's brother.
    Lenesul e frate cu cersetorul.
    Cf. IDLENESS is the key to poverty.
  60. SLOW but sure.
    Încetul cu încetul, departe ajungi.
    Sim. Fair and softly goes far.
    Cf. He that GOES softly goes safely / Soft pace GOES far.
  61. No SMOKE without fire.
    Nu iese fum fãrã foc.
    De unde nu-i foc nici fum nu iese.
    Sim. No FIRE, no smoke.
  62. The SMOKE of a man's own house is better than the fire of another's.
    Decât în tarã strãinã, cu pitã si cu slãninã, mai bine în satul tãu cu mãlaiu cât de rãu.
  63. Three things drive a man out of his house - SMOKE, rain and a scolding wife.
    Trei lucruri te scot din casã: fumul, muierea rea si picãtura.
    Fumul, femeia rea si picusul te scot din casã.
    Trei lucruri nu lasã în pace pe om: vinul, femeia si banul.
    Sim. Dicing, drabbing and drinking bring men to destruction / Play, women, and wine undo men laughing.
    Cf. GAMING, women and wine, while they laugh, they make men pine.
    * Proverbs 10, 26; 19, 13; 27, 15 / Pilde 10, 26; 19, 13; 27, 15
  64. To nourish a SNAKE in one's bosom.
    Creste sarpele în sân, ca mai bine sã te muste.
    Cf. Breed up a CROW and he will tear out your eyes.
  65. To make a SNARE for another and fall into it oneself.
    Cel care întinde cursã se va prinde în ea.
    Cf. He who digs a PIT for others falls in himself.
    * Ecclesiasticus 27, 26 / Sirah 27, 26
    * Psalms 9, 15; 34, 6-7; 56, 8-9; 140, 9 / Psalmii 9, 15; 34, 6-7; 56, 8-9; 140, 9
  66. What SOBERNESS conceals, drunkenness reveals.
    Ce e în inima treazului este în gura beatului.
    La betie se spune adevãrul.
    Sim. He speaks in his drink what he thought in his drouth.
  67. Keep SOMETHING for a rainy day.
    Strânge bani albi pentru zile negre.
    Var. Lay up against a rainy day.
    Sim. Keep something for him that rides on the white horse / Spare when you're young and spend when you're old.
    Cf. For AGE and want save while you may: no morning sun lasts a whole day / Make ample PROVISION for old age.
  68. SOMETHING is better than nothing.
    Mai bine ceva decât nimic.
    Mai bine un pic decât nimic.
    Sim. Half a loaf is better than no bread.
    Cf. Better some of a PUDDING than none of a pie.
  69. Marry your SON when you will, your daughter when you can.
    Însoarã când vrei, mãritã când poti.
  70. SORROW for a husband is like a pain in the elbow, sharp and short.
    Sãrace bãrbate, cã asearã murisi si nu te mai putui uita.
  71. Small SORROWS speak; great ones are silent.
    Durerile mari sunt mute.
    Var. Little griefs are loud, great griefs are silent / Little cares speak, great ones are dumb.
  72. When SORROW is asleep, wake it not.
    Când nenorocirea doarme, fereste-te s-o destepti.
  73. As you SOW, so you reap.
    Cum sameni, asa culegi.
    Cum vei semãna, asa vei si secera.
    * Galatians 6, 7 / Galateni 6, 7
  74. SOW thin and mow thin.
    Cel ce seamãnã putin, putin si secerã.
    Rãu de vei semãna, mai rãu vei secera.
  75. Forbear not SOWING because of birds.
    Cine se teme de vrãbii nu seamãnã mãlai.
    Cine vrea sã semene mãlai nu se teme de vrãbii.
  76. One SOWS and another reaps.
    De multe ori unii samãnã si altii secerã.
    Unul macinã, altul mãnâncã.
    Sim. Little dogs start the hare, the great get her.
    Cf. One beats the BUSH and another catches the birds.
    * John 4, 37 / Ioan 4, 37
  77. Better SPARE at brim than at bottom.
    Sacul de la gurã se pãstreazã.
    Leagã sacu pânã-i rotund, nu când îi dai de fund.
  78. SPARE well and have well.
    Cine nu crutã când are va rãbda la lipsã mare.
  79. Of a small SPARK a great fire.
    Din scânteia micã se aprinde focul mare.
    Adesea scânteia micã face flacãrã mare.
    Sim. A little spark kindles a great fire.
    Cf. A little FIRE burns up a great deal of corn.
    * Ecclesiasticus 11, 32 / Sirah 11, 34
    * James 3, 5 / Iacov 3, 5
  80. SPEAK fitly, or be silent wisely.
    Sau taci sau zi ceva mai bun decât tãcerea.
    Mai bine sã taci decât sã vorbesti rãu.
    Sim. Be still, and have thy will.
    Cf. SILENCE is often the best answer / No WISDOM to silence.
  81. He that SPEAKS sows and he that holds his peace gathers.
    Cine vorbeste seamãnã, cine ascultã culege.
  82. He that SPEAKS the thing he should not hears the thing he would not.
    Cine vorbeste ce-i place, acela sã audã si ce-l supãrã.
    Var. He who says what he likes shall hear what he does not like.
  83. More have repented SPEECH than silence.
    Mai bine sã-ti parã rãu cã ai tãcut decât cã ai zis.
    Niciodatã nu te vei cãi cã ai tãcut.
    Cf. SILENCE does seldom harm.
  84. SPEECH is silver, but silence is golden.
    Vorba e de argint, tãcerea e de aur.
    Cf. SILENCE is golden.
  85. Who more than he is worth doth SPEND, he makes a rope his life to end.
    Cine cheltuie peste ce câstigã, n-are-n casã mãmãligã.
  86. In SPENDING lies the advantage.
    Cei mai rãi bani sunt cei neîntrebuintati.
    Banul ascuns în pãmânt, nici creste nici rodeste.
  87. The SPIRIT is willing, but the flesh is weak.
    Duhul este osârduitor, dar trupul neputincios.
    Sufletul bucuros este sã intre în rai, numai pãcatele nu-l lasã.
    * Matthew 26, 41 / Matei 26, 41
    * Mark 14, 38 / Marcu 14, 38
    * John 6, 63 / Ioan 6, 63
  88. Who SPITS against the wind, it falls in his face.
    Cine scuipã în sus îi cade în obraz.
    Cine scuipã împotriva vântului îsi scuipã mustãtile (barba).
    Var. Who spits against the heaven, it falls in his face.
    Sim. Evil that comes out of thy mouth flieth into thy bosom / Piss not against the wind / Puff not against the wind.
    Cf. An ARROW shot upright falls on the shooter's head.
  89. Throw out a SPRAT to catch a mackerel.
    Pestele mare cu îmbucãtura micã se prinde.
    Cu râma micã se prinde pestele mare.
    Var. Throw out a sprat to catch a salmon (herring, whale) / Bait a sprat to catch a herring.
  90. It is too late to shut the STABLE-DOOR after the horse has bolted.
    Dupã ce au furat caii în zadar încui grajdul.
    Var. It is too late to shut the stable-door when the steed is stolen.
    Cf. When a thing is done, ADVICE comes too late / When the HOUSE is burned down, you bring water / It is easy to be WISE after the event.
  91. It is the first STEP that is difficult.
    Începutu-i anevoie, urma vine de la sine.
    Sim. The greatest step is that out of doors.
    Cf. Every BEGINNING is hard.
  92. STEP after step the ladder is ascended.
    Treaptã cu treaptã te urci pe scarã.
  93. It is easy to find a STICK to beat a dog.
    Cine vrea sã-si batã câinele, bâtã gãseste.
    Sim. A staff is quickly found to beat a dog.
    Cf. He that would hang his DOG gives out first that he is mad.
  94. Be STILL, and have thy will.
    Cine tace merge-n pace.
  95. A STITCH in time saves nine.
    Spãrtura pânã e micã trebuie cârpitã.
    Sim. He that repairs not a part, builds all / The tailor that makes not a knot loses a stitch.
    Cf. Who REPAIRS not his gutter, repairs his whole house.
  96. He has two STOMACHS to eat and one to work.
    La plãcinte înainte si la rãzboi înapoi.
  97. A little STONE in the way overturns a great wain.
    Piatra (Buturuga) micã rãstoarnã carul mare.
    Sim. Little strokes fell great oaks.
    Cf. A small LEAK will sink a great ship.
  98. A rolling STONE gathers no moss.
    Piatra care se rostogoleste din loc în loc nu prinde muschi.
  99. Who remove STONES bruise their fingers.
    Cel ce sfãrâmã pietre se poate rãni cu ele.
    Cf. He that handles THORNS shall prick his fingers.
    * Ecclesiastes 10, 9 / Ecclesiastul 10, 9
  100. Between two STOOLS one falls to the ground.
    Cine sade pe douã scaune cade rãu, când cade.
    Cine umblã în douã luntri cade în apã.
  101. After a STORM comes a calm.
    Dupã furtunã, vine si vreme bunã.
    Dupã ploaie asteaptã si senin.
    Cf. After black CLOUDS, clear weather.
  102. The sharper the STORM, the sooner it's over.
    De ploaie repede sã nu te sperii.
  103. Cross the STREAM where it is ebbest.
    Nu trece gârla dacã nu-i vezi fundul.
    Sim. No safe wading in an unknown water.
  104. He STRUCK at Tib, but down fell Tom.
    Unde dai si unde crapã.
  105. SUFFER and expect.
    Rabdã inimã si taci.
  106. Although the SUN shine, leave not thy cloak at home.
    Pe vremea cea mai bunã, ipingeaua sã fie cu tine.
  107. Never let the SUN go down on your anger.
    Mânia e bine sã apuie odatã cu soarele.
    Soarele sã nu apunã peste mânia voastrã.
    Var. Let not the sun go down upon your wrath.
    * Ephesians 4, 26 / Efeseni 4, 26
  108. The SUN does not shine on both sides of the hedge at once.
    Soarele cã e soare si tot nu poate lumina toate vãile.
  109. The SUN shines upon all alike.
    Soarele nu rãsare numai pentru un om.
    Soarele încãlzeste si pe buni si pe rãi.
    * Matthew 5, 45 / Matei 5, 45
  110. There is nothing new under the SUN.
    Totu-i nou si totu-i vechi.
    Nu este nimic nou sub soare.
    Var. Nothing new under the sun.
    * Ecclesiastes 1, 9 / Ecclesiastul 1, 9
  111. Where the SUN enters, the doctor does not.
    Unde nu intrã soarele intrã boalele.
  112. He that is SURETY for a stranger shall smart for it.
    Celui ce se pune chezas pentru un strãin îi merge rãu.
    * Proverbs 11, 15 / Pilde 11, 15
  113. One SWALLOW does not make a summer.
    Cu o rândunicã nu se face primãvara (vara).
    Cf. One FLOWER makes no garland.
  114. He that will SWEAR will lie.
    Cine jurã lesne, minte.
  115. SWEEP before your own door.
    Mãture fiecare la usa sa.
    Sim. If every man would sweep his own doorstep the city would soon be clean.
  116. He deserves not the SWEET that will not taste the sour.
    Cine n-a gustat amarul, nu stie ce e zaharul (dulcele).
    Sim. He knows best what GOOD is that has endured evil.
  117. No SWEET without some sweat.
    Cine nu munceste, nu mãnâncã.
    Var. If you won't work, you shan't eat.
    Sim. No mill, no meal / A horse that will not carry the saddle must have no oats.
    Cf. No PAINS, no gains / He that will not WORK shall not eat.
  118. He is like a SWINE, he'll never do good while he lives.
    La porc si la scump îi iei folosul dupã moarte.
    Porcul tocma dupã ce moare, pe toti saturã de unsoare.
    Cf. A COVETOUS man does nothing that he should till he dies.
  119. All they that take the SWORD shall perish with the sword.
    Toti cei ce scot sabia, de sabie vor pieri.
    Cf. He who lives by the SWORD dies by the sword.
    * Matthew 26, 52 / Matei 26, 52
    * Revelation 13, 10 / Apocalipsa 13, 10
  120. He who lives by the SWORD dies by the sword.
    Cine scoate sabia, de sabie va pieri.
    Var. He that strikes with the sword shall be stricken with the scabbard.
    Cf. All they that take the SWORD shall perish with the sword.
  121. It is ill putting a SWORD in a madman's hand.
    Nu da sabia în mâna vrãjmasului.
    Nu da ciomag cui nu-i esti drag, nici sabia în mâna vrãjmasului.
    Var. Do not put a sword into your enemy's hands / It is ill putting a sword in a child's hand.
  122. They shall beat their SWORDS into ploughshares.
    Preface-vor sãbiile în fiare de pluguri si lãncile lor în cosoare.
    * Isaiah 2, 4 / Isaia 2, 4


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