V Citate Celebre


1. VANITY of vanities, all is vanity.
Desertãciunea desertãciunilor, toate sunt desertãciuni!
* Ecclesiastes 1, 2 / Ecclesiastul 1, 2

  1. The noblest VENGEANCE is to forgive.
    Iertarea e rãzbunarea cea mai bunã.
    Sim. Pardons and pleasantness are great revenges of slanders.
  2. Empty VESSELS make the greatest sound.
    Butia goalã sunã mai tare.
    Butile goale mai mult zgomot fac.
    Var. Empty vessels make the most sound.
  3. The VINE brings forth three grapes: the first of pleasure, the second of drunkenness, the third of sorrow.
    La buciumul vitei trei vlãstari cresc: unul al sãnãtãtii, altul al veseliei si altul al turbãrii.
  4. Make a VIRTUE of necessity.
    A face haz de necaz.
    Face voie de nevoie si haz de necaz.
    Sim. To make the best of a bad job.
  5. VIRTUE is a jewel of great price.
    Omenia-i mai scumpã ca avutia.
  6. VIRTUE is its own reward.
    Omenia omenie cere, si cinstea cinste.
  7. The VOICE of the people, the voice of God.
    Vocea poporului, vocea cerului.
    * Daniel 10, 6 / Daniel 10, 6
    * Revelation 19, 6 / Apocalipsa 19, 6


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