D Citate Celebre


1. Where the DAM leaps over, the kid follows.
Pe unde a sãrit capra trebuie sã sarã si iada.
Capra sare masa, iada sare casa.
Sim. As the old cock crows, so crows the young / The young pig grunts like the old sow.

  1. He that runs into DANGER must expect to perish therein.
    Cel care iubeste primejdia va cãdea într-însa.
    Sim. He that brings himself into needless dangers, dies the devil's martyr.
    * Ecclesiasticus 3, 26 / Sirah 3, 26
  2. The DANGER past and God forgotten.
    Dupã a noastrã scãpare, nici un sfânt cinste mai are.
    Sim. Once on shore, we pray no more./ The river past and God forgotten
    Cf. Call the BEAR uncle' till you are safe across the bridge .
  3. He that would the DAUGHTER win must with the mother first begin.
    Vezi mama, apoi fata.
    Var. He that would the mistress win must with the maid first begin.
    Sim. Praise the child, and you make love to the mother.
  4. DAUGHTERS and dead fish are no keeping wares.
    Fata pânã-i mãrita, zile negre vei noda.
    Sim. Marry your daughter and eat fresh fish betimes / Marry your daughters betimes, lest they marry themselves.
  5. All's alike at the latter DAY: a bag of gold and wisp of hay.
    Moartea nu va sã stie de averi, de bogãtie.
    Sim. Death is the great leveller / Six feet of earth make all men equal / At the end of the game the King and the pawn go into the same bag.
    Cf. DEATH makes equal the high and low / The END makes all equal.
  6. Every DAY is not Sunday.
    Nu-i toatã ziua duminecã.
    Var. Every day is no Yule-day.
    Cf. CHRISTMAS comes but once a year.
  7. He that fights and runs away may live to fight another DAY.
    Fuga e rusinoasã, dar e sãnãtoasã.
  8. Praise a fair DAY at night.
    Dupã ce apune soarele laudã ziua.
    Ziua bunã se laudã seara.
    Sã nu zici "ce zi frumoasã" pânã nu va însera.
    Nu preamãri ziua pânã nu apune soarele.
    Var. Praise day at night, and life at the end.
    Sim. The evening crowns the day / Say no ill of the year till it be past.
  9. Sufficient unto the DAY is the evil thereof.
    Ajunge zilei rãutatea ei.
    Sim. No day passes without some grief.
    * Matthew 6, 34 / Matei 6, 34
  10. DEAD men don't bite.
    Cine moare nu mai miscã.
  11. It is only the DEAD who do not return.
    Mortul de la groapã nu se mai întoarce.
  12. Let the DEAD bury their dead.
    Lasã mortii sã-si îngroape mortii lor.
    Var. Let the dead bury the dead and (let) the living lead a gay life.
    Cf. We must LIVE by the quick (living), not by the dead.
    * Matthew 8, 22 / Matei 8, 22
  13. Say nothing of the DEAD but what is good.
    De morti nu trebuie sã vorbesti decât de bine.
    Sim. Never speak ill of the dead / Speak well of the dead.
  14. There's none so DEAF as those who will not hear.
    Nu e mai surd decât cel care nu vrea sã audã.
    Nu e mai surd ca surdul ce se face cã nu aude.
    Var. None so deaf as those who won't hear.
  15. After DEATH the doctor.
    I-a venit doctorul dupã moarte.
  16. DEATH keeps no calendar.
    Moartea nu spune când vine.
  17. DEATH makes equal the high and low.
    Mor întocmai ca tot omul si bogatul ca si robul.
    Sim. Death is the great leveller / At the end of the game the king and the pawn go into the same bag / Six feet of earth make all men equal.
    Cf. All's alike at the latter DAY: a bag of gold and wisp of hay / The END makes all equal.
  18. Fear of DEATH is worse than death itself.
    Cine se teme de moarte si-a pierdut viata.
  19. The DEATH of the wolves is the safety of the sheep.
    Moartea lupului e sãnãtatea oilor.
  20. DEATHS foreseen come not.
    Moartea nu vine când o chemi, ci te ia când nu te temi.
  21. Of ill DEBTORS men take oats.
    De la un datornic rãu s-un sac de paie este bun.
    De la un datornic rãu nu vei lua nimic decât la poarta raiului.
    Cf. From a bad PAYMASTER get what you can.
  22. He who pays his DEBTS begins to make a stock.
    Omul e avut când nu e dator nimic.
    Cine nu e dator e destul de bogat.
    Sim. Out of debt, out of danger.
  23. A good DEED is never lost.
    Fapta bunã nu moare niciodatã.
    Sim. One never loses by doing a good turn.
    Cf. DO well and have well / One good TURN deserves another.
  24. DEEDS are males, and words are females.
    Vorbele sunt femei, faptele sunt bãrbati.
  25. DEEDS, not words.
    Faptele, faptele nu oala cu laptele.
    Cf. ACTIONS speak louder than words.
  26. All is not lost that is DELAYED.
    Amânarea nu-i pierzare.
    Ce s-a amânat nu s-a uitat.
    Sim. Delays are not denials.
  27. He that asks faintly begs a DENIAL.
    Cel neîndrãznet pierde multe bunuri.
  28. It is easier to DESCEND than to ascend.
    Într-un an de zile te sui la deal si într-un ceas te scobori la vale.
  29. He that has shipped the DEVIL must make the best of him.
    Bagi pe dracul în casã cu lãutari, si nu-l poti scoate cu sute de arhierei.
    Aduci pe dracul în casã cu lãutari si apoi nu-l scoti cu o mie de popi.
    Sim. He that takes the devil into his boat must carry him over the sound.
  30. One DEVIL drives out another.
    Dracu alb mãnâncã p-ãl negru.
    Sim. One poison drives out another.
    Cf. LIKE cures like / One NAIL drives out another.
  31. Talk of the DEVIL, and he is bound to appear.
    Vorbesti de dracul si el din dreptul tãu.
    Sim. The devil is never nearer than when we are talking of him / The devil is never far off.
    Cf. Talk of the WOLF and his tail appears.
  32. The DEVIL is not so black as he is painted.
    Dracul nu e asa de negru cum îl zugrãvesc oamenii.
    Nu e dracul asa de negru cum se spune.
    Sim. The lion is not so fierce as he is painted.
  33. The DEVIL knows many things because he is old.
    Fã-ti cruce mare, cã e dracu bãtrân.
  34. The DEVIL loves no holy water.
    Fuge ca dracul de tãmâie.
  35. The DEVIL lurks behind the cross.
    Câte cruci vei face dracul tot la spate sade.
  36. The DEVIL was sick, the devil a monk would be; the devil was well, the devil a monk was he.
    Dracu când a îmbãtrânit, atunci s-a cãlugãrit.
    Var. The devil was sick, the devil a monk would be.
  37. The DEVIL's meal is all bran.
    Fãina dracului se preface toatã în tãrâte.
  38. DIAMOND cut diamond.
    Cu diamantul se taie diamantul.
  39. A man can DIE but once.
    O moarte are omul.
    Fiecare-i dator c-o moarte.
  40. Better DIE with honour than live with shame.
    Mai bine moarte cinstitã decât viata necinstitã.
    Mai bine mort decât cu rusinea în nas.
    Var. A fair death honours the whole life / Better a glorious death than a shameful life.
  41. The DIE is cast.
    Zarurile au fost aruncate.
  42. He that DIED half a year ago is as dead as Adam.
    Ce intrã în pãmânt curând se uitã.
    Cine a murit an, an s-a îngropat.
    Sim. To dead men and absent there are no friends left.
  43. Cast no DIRT into the well that hath given you water.
    Nu scuipa în put, cãci se poate întâmpla sã bei din el.
    Nu turbura fântâna ce te-a îndestulat.
  44. A DISEASE known is half cured.
    Boala cunoscutã (stiutã) e pe jumãtate vindecatã.
    Sim. A danger foreseen is half avoided.
  45. Desperate DISEASES must have desperate remedies.
    Pe durerea mare alta mai mare o tãmãduieste.
    Var. Desperate cuts must have desperate remedies.
  46. DISEASES come on horseback, but go away on foot.
    Boala vine cu posta si se întoarce pe jos.
    Cf. MISCHIEF comes by the pound and goes away by the ounce.
  47. Of two DISPUTANTS, the warmer is generally in the wrong.
    Cine nu are dreptate, acela tipã mai tare.
    Vinovatul mai mare gurã face.
  48. Make me a DIVINER and I will make thee rich.
    Fã-mã, de poti, prooroc, ca sã te fac cu noroc.
    Fã-mã, Doamne, prooroc, sã te fac împãrat.
  49. DO as I say, not as I do.
    Nu faceti ce fac eu, ci faceti ce zic eu.
    Cf. DO as the friar says, not as he does.
  50. DO as the friar says, not as he does.
    Fã ce zice popa, nu face ce face el.
    Ce zice popa sã faci, dar ce face popa sã nu faci.
    Cf. DO as I say, not as I do.
  51. DO as you may if you can't do as you would.
    Când nu putem face ce voim, trebuie sã voim ce putem.
    Fã ce poti, când n-ai alta de fãcut.
    Sim. If we can't as we would, we must do as we can / He that may not do as he would, must do as he may.
  52. DO as you would be done by.
    Ce tie nu-ti place altuia nu face.
    Cf. DO unto others as you would they should do unto you.
  53. DO not all you can; spend not all you have; believe not all you hear; and tell not all you know.
    Nu spune tot ce stii, nu crede tot ce auzi.
  54. DO right and fear no man.
    Fã-ti datoria si nu te teme.
    Fã bine si nu te teme de nimene.
    Sim. Do well and dread no shame.
  55. DO unto others as you would they should do unto you.
    Ceea ce vreti sã vã facã vouã oamenii, faceti si voi lor.
    Cf. DO as you would be done by.
    * Matthew 7, 12 / Matei 7, 12
    * Luke 6, 31 / Luca 6, 31
  56. DO well and have well.
    Bine faci, bine gãsesti.
    Cine face bine, bine gãseste.
    Sim. Do good: thou doest it for thyself.
    Cf. A good DEED is never lost / One good TURN deserves another.
  57. If thou thyself canst DO it, attend no other's help or hand.
    Ce poti face singur nu astepta sã-ti facã altii.
  58. If you want a thing well done, DO it yourself.
    Carele însusi face, face cât trei.
  59. Self DO, self have.
    Cine face, siesi face.
    Cine face, lui îsi face.
  60. A barking DOG never bites.
    Câinele care latrã nu muscã.
    Câinele ce mult latrã niciodatã nu muscã.
    Var. Barking dogs seldom bite.
    Sim. His bark is worse than his bite / Great barkers are no biters / Brag's a good dog, but dares not bite.
  61. A living DOG is better than a dead lion.
    Mai bine un câine viu decât un leu mort.
    * Ecclesiastes 9, 4 / Ecclesiastul 9, 4
  62. A scalded DOG fears cold water.
    Câinele, când l-ai opãrit, fuge si de apã rece.
    Sim. Once bitten twice shy.
    Cf. A scalded CAT fears cold water / A burnt CHILD dreads the fire / He that has been bitten by a SERPENT is afraid of a rope / Whom a SERPENT has bitten, a lizard alarms.
  63. An old DOG barks not in vain.
    Câinele bãtrân nu latrã degeaba.
    Cf. If the old DOG barks, he gives counsel.
  64. Beware of a silent DOG and still water.
    Fereste-te de câine mut si de om tãcut.
    Cel tãcut si smerit ca apa cea linã ce îndatã te însalã.
    Var. Beware of a silent man and still water.
  65. DOG does not eat dog.
    Câine pe câine nu mãnâncã.
    Lupii nu se mãnâncã între dânsii.
  66. He that keeps another man's DOG shall have nothing left him but the line.
    Nu da pâine câinilor altuia, cã te latrã ai tãi.
  67. He that would hang his DOG gives out first that he is mad.
    Cine vrea sã-si ucidã câinele sãu destul sã zicã cã e turbat.
    Sim. Give a dog a bad name and hang him.
    Cf. It is easy to find a STICK to beat a dog.
  68. If the old DOG barks, he gives counsel.
    Când latrã un câine bãtrân sã iesi afarã.
    Câine bãtrân sã te pãzesti, din casa ta sã nu izgonesti.
    Cf. If you wish good ADVICE, consult an old man / An old DOG barks not in vain.
  69. Like the gardener's DOG, that neither eats cabbages himself, nor lets anybody else.
    Câinele sade pe fân: nici mãnâncã, nici va sã lase calul mãcar sã-l miroase.
    Câinele osul nu-l roade si nici pe altul nu-l lasã sã-l roadã.
  70. Love me, love my DOG.
    Cinsteste pe câine pentru al sãu stãpân.
    Pentru stãpân si pe câine mângâi.
  71. You cannot teach an old DOG new tricks.
    Calul bãtrân cu greu se învatã la ham.
    Var. It is hard to teach an old dog tricks.
  72. Cut off a DOG's tail and he will be a dog still.
    În zadar gugulesti coada de câine, cã tot aceea rãmâne.
  73. Dead DOGS bite not.
    Câinele mort nu mai muscã.
  74. DOGS bark, but the caravan goes on.
    Câinii latrã, caravana trece.
    Cf. The MOON does not heed the barking of dogs.
  75. DOGS wag their tails, not so much in love to you as to your bread.
    Nu te încrede în câinele care dã din coadã.
    Miluieste câinele de vrei sã-ti fâtâie coada.
  76. If you lie down with DOGS, you will get up with fleas.
    Cine doarme cu câinii se scoalã plin de purici.
    Var. He that sleeps with dogs must rise up with fleas.
  77. Let sleeping DOGS lie.
    Nu destepta câinele care doarme.
    Când doarme câinele lasã-l în pace.
    Sim. Wake not a sleeping lion.
  78. Many DOGS may easily worry* one hare.
    Multi câini sunt moartea iepurelui.
  79. Two DOGS strive for a bone, and a third runs away with it.
    Când doi se ceartã al treilea câstigã.
  80. Two DOGS to one bone, may never accord in one.
    Doi câini se nãrãvesc la un os.
    Var. Two dogs over one bone seldom agree.
  81. By DOING nothing we learn to do ill.
    Lucrul face sãnãtate, trândãvia tot pãcate.
    Cf. IDLENESS is the mother of all vice.
  82. In DOING we learn.
    Fãcând înveti sã faci.
    Cel ce munceste învatã.
  83. What's DONE cannot be undone.
    Lucrul fãcut nu se mai poate desface.
    Ce-i fãcut e bun fãcut.
    Sim. Things done cannot be undone / The thing that's done has an end.
  84. An open DOOR may tempt a saint.
    Usa deschisã pe oricine primeste.
  85. The back DOOR robs the house.
    Casa cu douã usi e greu de pãzit.
    Sim. A postern door makes a thief / Ease makes thief / The hole calls the thief.
    Cf. An open DOOR may tempt a saint / OPPORTUNITY makes the thief.
  86. At open DOORS dogs come in.
    Câinele nu intrã dacã nu-i usa deschisã.
  87. When DRINK is in, wit is out.
    Omul la betie cade-n nebunie.
  88. The more one DRINKS, the more one may.
    Cine a bãut o sã bea; cine a furat o sã fure.
  89. The last DROP makes the cup run over.
    Picãtura cea mai de pe urmã vasul gãureste.
    Sim. The last straw breaks the camel's back.
  90. Constant DROPPING wears away the stone.
    Picãturile îndesate gãuresc si piatra.
    Picãtura micã gãureste piatra tare.
    * Job 14, 19 / Iov 14, 19
  91. Many DROPS make a shower.
    Picãturã cu picãturã se face lacul mare.
    Apele mici fac râurile mari.
    Strop dupã strop face siroi de apã.
    Sim. Large streams from little fountains flow.
    Cf. MANY small make a great / PENNY and penny laid up will be many.
  92. A DROWNING man will clutch at a straw.
    Omul când e sã se înece se agatã si de un pai.
    Omul care se îneacã se agatã de orice scândurã.
    Omul la nevoie se prinde si de ascutisul sãbiei.
  93. He that killeth a man when he is DRUNK must be hanged when he is sober.
    El ce face la betie se cãeste la trezie.
  94. DRUNKARDS and fools cannot lie.
    Copiii, nebunii si omul beat vorbesc adevãrul.
    De la nebun si de la beat adevãrul este lesne de aflat.
    Var. Drunkards and fools speak truth.
    Cf. CHILDREN and fools tell the truth.
  95. He who gives a DUCK, expects a goose.
    Dã un ou ca sã ai un bou.
    A da azi un ou ca sã capeti mâine un bou.
    Dã una ca sã-ti dea zece.
  96. All are of the DUST, and all turn to dust again.
    Amândoi au iesit di pulbere si amândoi în pulbere se întorc.
    * Ecclesiastes 3, 20; 12, 7 / Ecclesiastul 3, 20; 12, 7
    * Genesis 3, 19 / Facerea 3, 19
    * Psalms 145, 4 / Psalmii 145, 4
  97. He that blows in the DUST fills his eyes with it.
    Cine suflã-n foc îi sar scânteile în ochi.


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